How We Fix This Mess

I like talking ideology. But right now, talking about socialism versus fascism versus libertarianism versus the Two Party System is like discussing paint colors while your house is on fire.

coming-money-trustForget ideology; that’s not the problem.


Corruption is the problem. Almost everything else is just a symptom of that.

Let’s be clear about what our nation’s “corruption” really is. We have a global, unconstitutional (illegal), monopolistic, corporatized ruling class that’s intentionally violating our most fundamental laws (legal, moral, economic) to fill their pockets and promote their technototalitarian agenda though it harms the rest of us.

That’s called crime when any of the rest of us do it.  When it’s done abusing power in violation of oaths of office and causing economic distress and pointless death it really ought to be called treason.

And that treasonous ruling class is not the people you see on the ballot, or numbly pontificating on C-SPAN.  Heck no.  Follow the money strings attached to those we’ve been voting for.  You’ll see the people who pull those strings from behind a well-funded curtain of lies, omission and “don’t believe your own eyes, ears and wallet” warped reality.

There isn’t anybody alive who can’t be threatened, blackmailed or otherwise manipulated by the dark and twisted forces that control our “intelligence” agencies, for example.  And we KNOW that’s been going on since the very creation of those dark forces.

We can’t determine to what degree and in what ways we’re being harmed because so many  of our rulers systematically and habitually lie to us about everything. So it may not be off the table to include mass murder in the list of crimes.

The unregulated militarized monster we only call “government” is really a crime ring that’s “too big to fail.”

So let’s fix it.

Here’s how:


1. Stop voting for it! And by “it,” I of course mean the global crony network whose puppets we call The Two Party System.  No, I don’t mean just Democrats and Republicans.  I mean the system of cronies and unfair legal advantages that’s more corporate than it is political.  Don’t give this monstrous mob your approval on Election Day.  And do NOT, by default, grant its wishes by staying home on Election Day.  Anybody left alone and unchallenged with unchecked power for too long becomes corrupt, and almost all of us have been blowing electoral kisses to the same Powers That Be for over a hundred years nonstop.  STOP THAT!!

2. Vote against it. Yes, we’re supposed to vote against people. Remember, this is revolt with your vote! When your house is on fire, you need to kill the fire, not swap it for another.  So first, fire the crooks! Vote for anything or anybody but the puppet show you know to be corrupt!

RememberRemember, even the very best Ds and Rs (and there are some great people in those parties – like Thomas Massie, or Justin Amash, for example) are powerless against this mess without more allies, and your help.  They cannot fix their party, or the people who control it.  YOU must vote against all of that!

NoGunOur nation’s founders understood that elections are messy, corrupt and problematic in themselves; so elections’ purpose is very focused – they’re for peaceful revolution. That’s why we vote; so we don’t have to shoot politicians the way our founders did.

YOU!3. Use your vote as a weapon, or somebody else might.  Seriously.  It actually happens that people who don’t vote often show up voting…even after they’re dead.  If you think staying home is a protest, you don’t understand how bad things have gotten.

4. Then, and only then, is a discussion of ideology and ‘isms something better than a time and energy wasting distraction.

In summary: Vote as though it’s war! Because, of course, it is.

You wanna talk inequality?

As defined by Ind. Code § 3-5-2-30, there are two extremely unequal classes of citizens in terms of political and electoral rights, powers, privileges and immunities in Indiana:

  1. Those associated with the two private organizations called “Major Political Parties” (Democratic party partisans and Republican party partisans), and,
  2. Everyone else.

This violates Article I, Section 23 of the Indiana Constitution – “The General Assembly shall not grant to any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens;” and the equal protections clause of the USA Constitution’s 14th amendment – “No State shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

So, today I mailed in my $400 check and complaint to the Terre Haute Division of Indiana’s US Southern District Court to seek remedy of this violation of both Indiana and federal constitutions.

Should I win the suit, the benefits would apply to all citizens of Indiana.  After all, the non-MPP-associated citizens now greatly outnumber those who get the special perks and immunities.  Many Hoosiers feel disenfranchised by a system they know to be corrupt and sold-out and bought-off long ago.  Many have stopped voting, and worse, stopped caring.  Most feel pretty helpless.  An increasing number are talking violence (which is pretty stupid talk if they won’t even change the way they vote!).

This is so unnecessary…

Attached is a public-distribution version of the complaint as sent to the US Southern District Court, Terre Haute Division.

Please start talking about the horrible, criminal, unsustainably bad political corruption we suffer.  Talk about this case, and everything that relates to the sellout of our nation by politicians and their owners who feel no pressure to change anything.

Remember; while our so-called approval ratings of politicians have dropped to an all-time low, incumbent reelection rates have risen to all-time highs.  It’s stupid to say we hate this mess with our mouths; then say we love it with our votes!

BWLadyLibThere is only one poll politicians and their operators care about, after all; and that’s the one on Election Day, when We The People foolishly keep reelecting and reelecting the same !@#$ crony system, same incumbent politicians and parties, over and over without any electoral clue that we’re upset about anything.

And courts are much more swayed by public mood than by law.  We need to change our sheepish, fuzzy-headed, misinformed and yet divided-against-ourselves mood.

Get madat the right people!

Write letters to the editor, break taboos, talk about it with acquaintances, express it in interpretive dance and music…we must get the message out that we have bigger problems than deflated footballs and absurd POTUS candidates…and that we can fix this one. 

A Plea to End The Corruption

I’d sent this press release out last week, and it was picked up at least here.


The “Two Party System” is illegal, and our government is a crime ring

Freedom, IN – August 14, 2015

A dozen US Presidents have warned us, so we have no excuse.  We all know, at the very least, that our government is corrupt to the point that it is essentially owned and operated by a fairly small number of unelected, but very wealthy people.  Many people and organizations from a broad political spectrum have demonstrated a direct correlation, if not causation, between campaign donations and legislation, and campaign money and economic inefficiency.  Most of us understand that our government is at least to some degree and at some levels, immoral and dysfunctional.  But it’s apparent that most people don’t know that not only did our founders warn us against political parties, they also wrote laws in both state and federal constitutions to prevent their entrenchment; and that the self-appointed “Two Party System” is literally and practically therefore, a crime ring.

Only two private clubs, operating under their own rules, yet as a quasi-governing cartel to suppress competition and grant themselves special powers, in violation of both the federal 14th Amendment and the Indiana Constitution’s Article I Section 23, have illegally taken over three estates of civil government – legislative, executive and judicial, at nearly every level of USA government.

I’ve preliminarily documented this here, here, here, here and here (these links copied below in case you receive this as plain text.  Other supporting information available upon request).

Only six corporations also now own most of the fourth estate as well.  And yet as a former journalist myself, I place more hope in this final branch of civil power than in the courts.

It’s on this hope that I ask you examine my case, and come to your own conclusions.

I’ve been advised that, while my case is rock solid on fact, merit and law, no court in Indiana, federal or state, would hear my case.  It would almost surely be immediately dismissed “with prejudice” as are so many other complaints against our rogue leaders.  So I take my case to you.

Please consider the gravity of my charges; and consider that you and your loved ones are also affected by our society’s worst, and potentially fatal problem.


Andrew Horning


Let’s chase the fox out of the henhouse

Please do me a favor and write letters to the editor, to your local radio and print broadcast, regarding a terrible, destructive, unconstitutional and criminal scam that’s been worsening for the past one hundred years.

The private clubs we call the Demoratic and Republican parties have, as you know, granted themselves special status, powers and advantages.  Taxpayers are forced to pay for political primaries that involve only Ds and Rs, and which give them a year’s head start in public attention, fundraising, and organization.  Only Ds and Rs can have Precinct Committeemen, people with many quasi-governmental powers, yet none of the restraints.  Only Ds and Rs can be on election-related committees – only they count the votes, make appointments and fill public office vacancies.  Only Ds and Rs can have electors, who really choose the President of the United States of America.

All that is immoral, unconstitutional, corrupt and destructive.

I’ve been advised that, while my case is rock solid on fact, merit and law, no court in Indiana, federal or state, would hear my case; at least not until there’s some public attention on this ongoing crime.  Without at least a little public attention, my suit would almost surely be immediately dismissed “with prejudice” as are so many other complaints against our rogue leaders.  So I take my case to you.

Please consider the gravity of my charges; and consider that you and your loved ones are also affected by our society’s worst, and potentially fatal problem.

If you’d like some supporting information to mull over, besides the links above, these might help:

Click to access andys-complaint.pdf

I sincerely thank you in advance.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana

Brutish Simplicity, Dumbed-Down

Alright alright alright.  I get the message.  Nobody wants to read the constitutions.  I need to resolve what I’m about down to three points and they’d better be simple.  OK, I get it.  So here’s as simple as I can make it in just three points:

  1. I would cut stuff from government.  A lot.  I’ll cut something you think we need.  I’m asking you to trust that we don’t really need it.
  2. So all taxes will go waaaaaay down.  You will like that. 
  3. It’s all written down here.

If you have questions, ask them. 



The Choice is Clear


I’ve actually been asked questions like, “Why don’t you raise 10 million dollars so that…” or “Why don’t you get in all the newscasts and newspapers so that…” 

Stop it.

For too long we’ve pretended that elections are about candidates and their financiers, when that has never been true.  Elections are now and have always been about voters.  That’s the whole point of a democratic process, isn’t it?  In this democratic republic the politicians we choose reflect us.  All of our problems are of our choosing.  …Repeatedly.  We really should stop denying our role in government – and of course quit all the whining about term limits and “the influence of money in politics” when only we are responsible for a 98% incumbent reelection rate and multimilliondollar campaigns… 

So furthering this spirit of blunt truth, I’ll confess that while I am the only constitutional, liberty and justice candidate on the 2008 gubernatorial ballot, I know I may not reflect who Americans are these days.  We’re certainly not the self-disciplined and self-reliant Americans we used to be.

In fact many of us say we want a Real Leader, that is, someone who’ll authoritatively rule our lives, liberties and property.  If you are such a person, I suggest you vote for Mitch Daniels.  He really is the best leader Indiana has had in quite a while.  Without any perceptible ideology or partisan loyalty, and certainly without any constitutional restraints, he very effectively does what he thinks is best with your rights, money and property. 

If I were elected, I would govern government, not citizens; as that is what our constitutions and traditions demand. 

So if you need to be governed, I recommend you vote for Governor Daniels, not me.  I would stick rigidly to the constitutions of Indiana and the USA, which limit politicians, not you.  That’s just who I am and what I’d do.  If that’s not what you want, vote for somebody else.

If you identify yourself as a Democrat, and want to be told what to do by a Democrat, then Jill Long Thompson is an intelligent, personable, qualified choice.  She’s far more fixed to an ideology than is Daniels, and far more likely to employ partisan Democrat politics and policy.  But we voters have chosen partisan politics for the last hundred years.  So if you’re a team-jacket-wearing Democat, you really should vote for her, not me. 

Of course, in 2008 there will likely be two “independent candidates;” one who voted with Governor Daniels on most things, and another one with whom I actually agree on many things.  If you dislike the entrenched political parties as much as I do, but still need a politician to direct your money, morality, environmental concerns and so on, then one of these fine men (and I mean that) should get your vote.

If you are an adult who wants to run your own life, however, and want politicians on a leash at last, I am demonstrably the only choice.  If you want liberties under law, I’m it in 2008.  If you want businesses (not politicians) to do business; if you want doctors (not politicians) to do medicine; if you want the feds to stay on their side of the fence; if you want, in short, what made this nation the greatest for generations, then I am the only reasonable choice.


Let’s not fool ourselves any longer about our collective role in government.  We really do get exactly what we vote for.  So make sure you’re saying what you want to say with your vote.  Don’t assume this freedom will last forever…

What about the GOP? What about Odds? Don’t you want to WIN?

Through the upcoming campaign I’ll frequently be asked such questions.  My inclination will be to throw rotten eggs at whoever asks.  But since I do not wish to carry rotten eggs wherever I go, and since I really do understand how we have collectively fallen into a game-show/Las Vegas political stupor and helplessness, I must swallow my disgust, and answer:


  1. Loyalty to entrenched, powerful political parties is not admirable.  It is destructive.  Be loyal to principles instead; particularly the ones proven to work (Rule of Law, Free Market economics, property ownership).
  2. Elections are about voters’ choices, not about the candidates or their parties.  Let’s talk about what the choices are, not just about the candidates’ strategies, money pots and yard signs.
  3. We’re facing dark, dangerous times.  Let’s be serious in the voting booth, OK?


And then let’s focus on just the GOP for a moment.  The party never was what most people think it was.  It is, of course, the original “tree hugging liberal” party. 

The National Park system was started by Teddy Roosevelt, and the EPA was created by Nixon.  TR also gave us anti-corporate “trust busting” and income tax while setting us up for the Federal Reserve Bank, while Nixon gave us wage/price controls.  Much of the New Deal was actually started by Hoover, who FDR called a socialist; and Eisenhower spent more money after WWII than during its peak.  And let’s not even talk about George Bush.

The GOP never was as conservative as the “solid south” or “men in sheets” Democratic Party.  “Real Republicans” like Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater and of course Ron Paul have always been marginalized by the “Mainstream Republicans” like Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr.  


In Indiana we have a smart, relatively conservative and well-intended Republican Governor who has given us more taxation and spending (expanding entitlements to even new healthcare and college subsidies) than did any preceding Democrats.  And I think he’s one of the best Republican politicians!


Ambassador, candidate and pundit Alan Keyes recently said that the “Republican Party has come to a dark and confused place.”  So he quit the GOP and joined the Constitution Party (which is not on the ballot in Indiana).  Former Georgia congressman Bob Barr left the Republican Party for the Libertarian Party (which does have ballot access all across the country).  Many celebrities, even major media journalists, have left their former fancy party allegiances behind for a new dedication to principle…and what actually works.


This is good news.  And not a minute too soon. 

The bad news is that, I fear, most Republicans, even as disgusted as they are with their own party, will nevertheless remain loyal to it and thus do harm to us all.


Oh, don’t blather on about fixing what’s broken in that party.  I tried the “change from within” thing, and found it to be a baseless, mad illusion.  No change ever happens from within.  Especially from within such a corrupt deceit as the GOP.


Don’t misunderstand.  I know and love many Republicans.  I greatly admire what Ron Paul is attempting to do within the GOP.  I sent him money (I almost never do that) and I will of course vote for him in the primary. 


That is, after all, the only primary election vote that could accomplish anything useful. 


Dr. Paul’s delegates and supporters can at least attempt to reshape the GOP into something better.  I do support that cause.  But I do not fool myself about the likelihood of success.


People may think I’m a dreamer to run as a Libertarian.  But who’s really the dreamer? 


I know that all change comes from the Davids who fight Goliath (see my article here; requires a free signup); not from some change of heart in Goliath himself.  And history demonstrates well that those who vote for the entrenched powers hurt themselves.  …Fatally.


My dear Republican/Democrat friends, you have been betrayed over and over again.  At what point will you quit dreaming and do what needs to be done?


I no longer need to explain why I’m running outside the corrupt, entrenched powers.  The real question is: how can you excuse voting for those corrupt, entrenched powers again?  The question isn’t, “Horning, what are you doing?”  The question is, just what are you doing to set things right?


There is reason to hope.  I’ve seen it in the Paul campaign, and I’ve seen it in the faces of those disgusted and enraged into action.  I’ve seen it in last summer’s tax protests, and, ironically, I see it in the trouble that’s about to be heaped upon taxpayers this coming summer.


My fellow Hoosiers, Americans and human beings, we have been bestowed with many wonderful advantages.  Chief among these in this nation must be the laws that protect us from our politicians.  It’s time we dust them off and insist, without equivocation, that it’s time they are obeyed, as written.


Don’t apply party labels to this.  Don’t attach any flag motifs.  Don’t make this an abstraction. 

Make it a demand and make it now.

Waste your vote, you say?

For at least as long as I’ve been reading his work, Chuck Baldwin has written strong, clear-headed and straight-to-the-root attacks on what needs to be attacked. Politics, of course. Politics needs never-ending attack. “Society,” certainly, as we have become a degraded lot. I’m always cheered to see this upright man of God attack idolatrous Christians and blindly loyal Republicans; as they are the ones above all who have no excuses for their behavior, and need a Nathan more than King David ever did.

This column is quite good also, but I’m disappointed he’s so late with its message. We really needed his influential voice on this ten years ago at the very least.

Even so, better late than never. It is indeed “…time to say it: the two major parties hold a death grip on the American people.” It is a death grip. And we must choose whether to break it, or die.

The “wasted vote” argument has always been a pathetic evasion of logic and duty. I’ve always been embarrassed for the afflicted voter who’d tell me “Of course I should vote for you if I want things to get better, but I don’t want to waste my vote!

But now that argument is beyond lame and dumb. 

Now, if you intend to vote for any major party candidate instead of an alternative, you’ve got some explaining to do.

I’ll not offer up another litany of modern woes. I’ve done that enough. The cold fact of it is that if you’ve been voting for any major party, you’ve been voting for all of our troubles, magnified, many times over, with every election cycle. The politicians you’ve hired are not the problem; you are.

Deal with it. 

Of course, if you’re not the problem, your neighbor is. And we all have to deal with that.

I say it’s time to get busy. Shake things up. Change the world while we still have one. 

I mean right now.  Get busy.

If you’re in Indianapolis, check out Sean Shepard. If you’re anywhere in Indiana, check out me.  Wherever you are in the world, look for those who oppose the entrenched powers, or check your gut, roll up your sleeves, and do it yourself.

The choice is yours, and there are no more excuses.

Am I asking so much?

I’m going to work in a Canadian hospital for the rest of the week.  So I may be a bit incommunicado for a while.  But I’d like to restate what I think is a reasonable request: I want politicians to obey written laws, as written.  No “interpretation” from the bench; no “legal precedents;” no ifs, ands or buts.  If a law is unclear, politicians can clarify it in print.  If a law is bad, then they can change it, or delete it, in print.    But I want no more fudging or cheating.  I want politicians to obey what’s written, as written.

In other words, I want the Rule of Law under constitutions, right here in the USA, that we say we’re fighting for in Iraq. 

That’s it.  That’s what I want. 

Yes, I know.  Constitutions are called “outdated,” as if their words can’t be changed.  Constitutions are called “living documents,” as if that somehow means that the words shouldn’t mean anything.  

Of course it’s no surprise that politicians say such things.  Constitutions protect us from politicians, after all, and politicians want no such protections…

But I see a much bigger problem.  It’s the real reason why I’m appealing to you…as a citizen. 

You see, we never even ask politicians to obey written laws as written because we have our own reasons to twist and stretch and cheat the law.  For example, how many of us support free speech from the first amendment, yet go apoplectic against the freedom to bear arms from the second?  And how many of us want to carry guns in public, but would never allow anybody the freedom to smoke pot, in private?  And I know some who’d like the freedom to smoke pot, but would ban other people’s rights to trans-fats, or religious expression, or huge profits and unusual wealth.  Most who support abortion oppose the death penalty, while an awful lot of those who want to nuke the Middle East without even a declaration of war say that they’re pro-life…

All of the preceding is unconstitutional, or worse…it’s dysconstitutional. 

Every day now, Democrats wield only parts of the constitution against Republicans, and Republicans invoke other parts against Democrats.  Republicans will call certain parts obsolete while Democrats argue that it’s the other parts that need to go.  Nobody, it seems, allows that the whole constitution is both the best compromise ever, and the law.

Politicians will never be any more sensible than we are; and we’ve been acting like fascists.

Could we please just live in peace, prosperity and justice instead?…Please?

I propose we demand compliance with the world’s best written laws, as written, from both our politicians, and ourselves, by, say, 2012.  That’s plenty of time, and we don’t want to waste too much more of that.

So I’m asking you to call, write, picket or otherwise inform our politicians that we’ve learned our lesson and are ready to behave like adults.  That means that we enjoy the blessings of liberty – by allowing others theirs, too.

Would this be so terrible?  Am I asking too much?