Discouraged voters may fuel the revolution…

By poll numbers and my own observations, it seems that an unprecedented number of people are waking up to the reality that the Ds and Rs are part of a locked-arm collusion against us.  Very few are yet willing to put in such simple terms, or act on that reality, of course.  In fact I’ve never seen/heard so many people say they don’t see any reason to vote anymore.  Many now understand that elections are to at least a degree and in some way, rigged, so they are thinking of staying home next Election Day.


That would mean the passionate few among us will not only have a greater, disproportionate effect on Election Day, but we also, in discussions with these discouraged voters, need to convince them of only three things; none having anything to do with messy and contentious partisan ideology:

  1. If you’d go and vote for the Two Party System again, then you’re right…you’ve got no fight in you, and you’d just be another drop in the bad guy’s big bucket. They own you.  But at least you don’t want to voluntarily approve them, so just stay home.  Let the rest of us try our might against this mess.
  2. The only votes that count for positive change, the only votes that could shake the world, are those against the status quo and for an alternative…any alternative…to the Two Party System. If you don’t see that, or if you aren’t willing to try, you really aren’t mad enough yet, or don’t yet see the problem.
  3. Voting is the power of protest, of saying NO, and of peaceful revolution. We’ve been wasting that power as if it were just a poker chip up to now; but we really could fire the bums on Election Day.  It’s just a choice.

Number one is the easiest.  But it should be invoked only on those who’re truly hopeless; the real sheep among us[1].  Sadly, they will be many.  Don’t worry; the passionate few always move destiny.  The sheep really don’t matter in social change.  They will follow when there’s a new shepherd.

Number two should be pretty simple, but it’s not easy to convince people that we’ve not even tried in the last century.  We’ve not just allowed the Ds and Rs to write illegal regulations granting them huge advantages over other parties and candidates; we’ve actually asked them to.  And they’ve used that advantage to entrench themselves against us.  So, yes, there is extensive fraud.  I know that and even proved it in 2004.  But if even a fifth of the people change their hearts and minds and choose to vote in favor of a new government, and if the powers that be try to fudge the elections to swing it their way once again, we’d all know about it.  And that would lead to new levels of energy and action.

Number three will be hard.  We’re tribal, cliquish creatures, after all.  We paint our faces at football games, for Pete’s sake.  But we’ve got to convince people that the corruption that they suspect is worse than they think, because it is.

They’ve got to get mad at the Ds and Rs, and vote that way.

[1] However, I must note that I’ve never been very good at determining who are the sheep, and who will become the next shepherds (it’s easy to spot the wolves).  I’ve observed that the educated, comfortably middle class are most likely to be wasted time; while the roughest, least comfortable among us are more likely the gems.  Angry young black men, redneck whites, poor illegal aliens who’ve been working hard to get ahead, may be a whole lot smarter and more aware of their surroundings than you think.  I’ve been favorably surprised many times by society’s untouchables, and I’ve almost always been sorely disappointed by the well-coiffed and well-heeled.

A Plea to End The Corruption

I’d sent this press release out last week, and it was picked up at least here.


The “Two Party System” is illegal, and our government is a crime ring

Freedom, IN – August 14, 2015

A dozen US Presidents have warned us, so we have no excuse.  We all know, at the very least, that our government is corrupt to the point that it is essentially owned and operated by a fairly small number of unelected, but very wealthy people.  Many people and organizations from a broad political spectrum have demonstrated a direct correlation, if not causation, between campaign donations and legislation, and campaign money and economic inefficiency.  Most of us understand that our government is at least to some degree and at some levels, immoral and dysfunctional.  But it’s apparent that most people don’t know that not only did our founders warn us against political parties, they also wrote laws in both state and federal constitutions to prevent their entrenchment; and that the self-appointed “Two Party System” is literally and practically therefore, a crime ring.

Only two private clubs, operating under their own rules, yet as a quasi-governing cartel to suppress competition and grant themselves special powers, in violation of both the federal 14th Amendment and the Indiana Constitution’s Article I Section 23, have illegally taken over three estates of civil government – legislative, executive and judicial, at nearly every level of USA government.

I’ve preliminarily documented this here, here, here, here and here (these links copied below in case you receive this as plain text.  Other supporting information available upon request).

Only six corporations also now own most of the fourth estate as well.  And yet as a former journalist myself, I place more hope in this final branch of civil power than in the courts.

It’s on this hope that I ask you examine my case, and come to your own conclusions.

I’ve been advised that, while my case is rock solid on fact, merit and law, no court in Indiana, federal or state, would hear my case.  It would almost surely be immediately dismissed “with prejudice” as are so many other complaints against our rogue leaders.  So I take my case to you.

Please consider the gravity of my charges; and consider that you and your loved ones are also affected by our society’s worst, and potentially fatal problem.


Andrew Horning







Let’s chase the fox out of the henhouse

Please do me a favor and write letters to the editor, to your local radio and print broadcast, regarding a terrible, destructive, unconstitutional and criminal scam that’s been worsening for the past one hundred years.

The private clubs we call the Demoratic and Republican parties have, as you know, granted themselves special status, powers and advantages.  Taxpayers are forced to pay for political primaries that involve only Ds and Rs, and which give them a year’s head start in public attention, fundraising, and organization.  Only Ds and Rs can have Precinct Committeemen, people with many quasi-governmental powers, yet none of the restraints.  Only Ds and Rs can be on election-related committees – only they count the votes, make appointments and fill public office vacancies.  Only Ds and Rs can have electors, who really choose the President of the United States of America.

All that is immoral, unconstitutional, corrupt and destructive.

I’ve been advised that, while my case is rock solid on fact, merit and law, no court in Indiana, federal or state, would hear my case; at least not until there’s some public attention on this ongoing crime.  Without at least a little public attention, my suit would almost surely be immediately dismissed “with prejudice” as are so many other complaints against our rogue leaders.  So I take my case to you.

Please consider the gravity of my charges; and consider that you and your loved ones are also affected by our society’s worst, and potentially fatal problem.

If you’d like some supporting information to mull over, besides the links above, these might help:



Click to access andys-complaint.pdf


I sincerely thank you in advance.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana