You wanna talk inequality?

As defined by Ind. Code § 3-5-2-30, there are two extremely unequal classes of citizens in terms of political and electoral rights, powers, privileges and immunities in Indiana:

  1. Those associated with the two private organizations called “Major Political Parties” (Democratic party partisans and Republican party partisans), and,
  2. Everyone else.

This violates Article I, Section 23 of the Indiana Constitution – “The General Assembly shall not grant to any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens;” and the equal protections clause of the USA Constitution’s 14th amendment – “No State shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

So, today I mailed in my $400 check and complaint to the Terre Haute Division of Indiana’s US Southern District Court to seek remedy of this violation of both Indiana and federal constitutions.

Should I win the suit, the benefits would apply to all citizens of Indiana.  After all, the non-MPP-associated citizens now greatly outnumber those who get the special perks and immunities.  Many Hoosiers feel disenfranchised by a system they know to be corrupt and sold-out and bought-off long ago.  Many have stopped voting, and worse, stopped caring.  Most feel pretty helpless.  An increasing number are talking violence (which is pretty stupid talk if they won’t even change the way they vote!).

This is so unnecessary…

Attached is a public-distribution version of the complaint as sent to the US Southern District Court, Terre Haute Division.

Please start talking about the horrible, criminal, unsustainably bad political corruption we suffer.  Talk about this case, and everything that relates to the sellout of our nation by politicians and their owners who feel no pressure to change anything.

Remember; while our so-called approval ratings of politicians have dropped to an all-time low, incumbent reelection rates have risen to all-time highs.  It’s stupid to say we hate this mess with our mouths; then say we love it with our votes!

BWLadyLibThere is only one poll politicians and their operators care about, after all; and that’s the one on Election Day, when We The People foolishly keep reelecting and reelecting the same !@#$ crony system, same incumbent politicians and parties, over and over without any electoral clue that we’re upset about anything.

And courts are much more swayed by public mood than by law.  We need to change our sheepish, fuzzy-headed, misinformed and yet divided-against-ourselves mood.

Get madat the right people!

Write letters to the editor, break taboos, talk about it with acquaintances, express it in interpretive dance and music…we must get the message out that we have bigger problems than deflated footballs and absurd POTUS candidates…and that we can fix this one.