Conspiracy Theories aren’t as scary as The Truth

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Libertarian candidate for IN08

30 September, 2022

Freedom, IN – For nearly 30 years through think tank articles, newspaper columns and blogs, and well-before I started organizing protests and running for public office, I’ve been writing about the problems that had already been dividing and threatening this nation’s future. And I’d been proposing solutions, ones that had already been amply proven a hundred years before I was born, to work better than anything else humans have ever tried.

Now, unfortunately, amid massive transgenerational theft, corruption, manipulative promises and domestic militarization that must have our nation’s founders shouting at us from the hereafter, the once brilliant flame of liberty has been replaced by gaslighting and pre-Hammurabi authoritarianism. Our government is both a Big Lie, and our most ominous and existential threat. We don’t have much time to set this right before global conflagration and catastrophe.

There’s no need to detail the lies, the conspiracy facts or the obvious energy, economic, social and moral problems that We The People now suffer. What’s important is to understand that we got here because fewer and fewer among us dare to speak truth to power, far too many are paid to lie, and over 90% of us, both voters, and those who delegate their choice to others, have been voting for this monstrous mess.

The “Two Party System” is a bad game

Any democratic process at all, whether political, business or at home, depends upon good information. Bad or missing information dooms the process to bad outcomes. And our increasingly secret, yet intrusively snooping government has not only paid or otherwise induced people to lie for generations, even well-before and since Operation Mockingbird and Facebook, but has also become a puppet show distracting us from the fact that the people in elected office are not the people running our government.

Most of our citizens have known for some time that our government is corrupt. But how could we know the extent of the corruption, or what to do about it, unless we have more exposure to well-documented yet nearly forbidden information from alternative sources like Epoch Times or foreign media? Political debates are a thing of the past. Most “investigative journalism” has become only a litany of partisan buzzwords and cherry-picked quotes.

So it’s both understandable, and our collective shame, that in electoral politics there is no advantage to being right, and clearly no disadvantage to being wrong. The consequences of that are only now starting to unfold.

But a bigger shame is that our monolithic information, entertainment, education and political systems have so effectively pitted us against each other, that we think we have bigger problems.

We have the power to fix this, of course. But we have to both want to, and vote that way.

Aye, there’s the rub.
Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See my previous press releases at:
And please see, “Eight Steps to Success” at


BAD FED! Bad, bad Fed!

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Libertarian candidate for IN08

28 September, 2022

The Fed caused inflation and now wants more unemployment

Freedom, IN – Andrew Horning, the 2022 Libertarian Party candidate for Indiana’s 8th district US House, is not the only one who has for decades warned of the dangers of ungoverned government in general, and specifically, a malignant, corrupt central bank that funds it all.

The original design of The Federal Reserve System, while corrupt and unconstitutional, wasn’t so bad when it’s only purpose was to be the quasi-private “lender of last resort,” and when the US Congress, via the Treasury, was still solely responsible for monetary policy and the issuance of money as constitutionally required. But The Fed grew worse and worse as it became a para-political hybrid, and anti-constitutional scheme, of hidden taxation to monetize political debt, and thus over-mortgage our future. A future, which by the way, is coming payment-overdue within just a few years.

The Fed’s stated role is now to control inflation, interest and employment rates. The fact is that their market interventions cause malinvestment through artificial market signals originating with their now complete power over the issuance and value of the US Dollar. The fact is that the Fed admitted to causing and worsening the Great Depression1, and is about to make that depression look like a minor kerfuffle.
Nobel-Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said that “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” All serious economists have understood this for some time. So it’s understandable that Fed Chairs have, up to now, issued cryptic statements about their operations, since they’ve been lying.

Now Fed Chair Jerome Powell has made a clear statement. “There will very likely be some softening of labor market conditions,” and “We will keep at it until we are confident the job is done.” He said this understanding that it will cause a recession and pain with innumerable US citizens thrown into unemployment or early Social Security…which will cost all of us dearly.

This is not just bad economics. This is self-immolation at a time when our culture, our state of law and public trust is already on fire. Agriculture and energy infrastructure is being systematically and globally ruined. Big Pharma and politicians have destroyed public respect for science. We’re heading backwards into Follow-The-Alpha authoritarianism and domestic militarism that predates Hammurabi, and is both global, and cartel-monopolized in scale. This is a pivotal, dangerous, and, well…stupid situation.

For too long, there’s been no electoral advantage to being right, and no electoral disadvantage to being wrong. And for too long there have been too few willing to speak truth to power.

Well, here is some truth. Our government, or rather the unconstitutional colossus comprised of the global “deep state” and “shadow government” of consortiums, NGOs, secret agencies and shadow apparatchiks like Victoria Nuland, is now our biggest, most existential threat. It’s even worse than the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing war with us…a war that they are slowly winning, by the way.
We will be very sorry if We The People don’t make new choices in the voting booth very soon, and overwhelmingly.
Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See my previous press releases at:
And please see, “Eight Steps to Success” at and


1 In 2002, Ben Bernanke admitted, “I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.”

Cassandric Ruminations

When I shared this on Facebook after the tragically fumbled (but otherwise correct) withdrawal from Afghanistan, I wrote: “Well, #7 is a little less true today, even though we’ll still have wars going on once we’re finished blowing up charity workers in Afghanistan. Thanks, Joe!

But the others are much 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 true today.

What I thought was pretty funny when I said some of this two years ago, is less funny now.”

I should add, however, that the tribal rhetoric varies greatly depending on which tribe has the government’s keys. For example, Republicans talk a good story against spending, debt and the inherent inflation of the Fed’s money presses when the Democrats are in charge. And Democrats talk a good story against the anti-USA-citizen militarization of our government when Republicans are in charge.

And I should add a third #9 (or maybe a #11):
That THIS PARTICULAR ELECTION IS TOO IMPORTANT to vote for anything different.

Anyway, you can see that this is now tearing us up, apart, and down right now. Maybe it’s not yet too late to turn this around before this becomes history-making catastrophe. Maybe it is. But I sure wish we’d try…