Now that the Ugly Pageant is over, can we talk?

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

May 8, 2024

OK, “Primary Election” is over.  Can we talk now?

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

Our nation is in big trouble; for the first time in decades, and in more ways, and far worse, than ever.  The way we’ve been voting is not working.  What we’ve been told about critical things, is not true.  Our nation, and much of the world, is now led by a consortium of Malthusian eugenicist psychopathic elites, who make anti-USA agreements in foreign nations, strengthen our enemies.  They own and operate this inherently tribal and so-called “Two-Party System” as a puppet show, to divide us against ourselves, and divert our attention from what’s really going on.  I wish I was making that up.  But I’m not.

Yes, it is a puppet show.  The first opportunity to weed out the disobedient and attach the strings to candidates who’ll dance, is Primary Elections, which, as implemented in Indiana and most other states, are an unconstitutional, costly and taxpayer-supported, year-long promotion scheme for only the status quo crony parties, and the corrupting organizations that own and operate them.  Worse still, it’s during primaries that many voters decide their votes for the General Election. 

Alternative party candidates like me, who earn their place on the General Election ballot without taxpayer money, are not only excluded from the primary election ballot, we’re also denied the free media, and political advertising rates granted to only Democrats and Republicans…not to mention all the dirty corporate, NGO, INGO and elite money that attaches those puppet strings to the self-styled “Major Party Candidates,” who end up becoming incumbents until they die of mildew.  We shouldn’t keep re-electing this destructive corruption.  We should in fact be very suspicious of the candidates who make it through the costly and corrupting degradation.  But the media rarely even mention alternative candidates, and there are rarely any public debates or forums, until early voting has already started, when over a quarter of us vote, without ever hearing there’s easy opportunity for change.

That said, 2024’s damnable primary election is now done, and we need to talk, and there’s not much time.  We The People really do need to talk…about our collapsing money, economy and culture, on the eve of WWIII, that is by easily available facts, the result of our collective compliance, inaction, and votes. 

This is much simpler than we’ve been led to believe.  We The People have all the power, because we have the numbers, the voices, and even the money and working hands that make, buy, sell, and empower, everything.  And every Election Day, we still have the Power of Peaceful Revolution.  Yes, election fraud is a thing, but we could fix that, too, if we really wanted to.  We have no excuses.  You know the saying, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me?”  Are we still fooled?  Are we hurting enough yet to change our choices, and thus change the world? 

The most timely, actionable words of our once-precious Declaration of Independence are, “…that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

We’ve been repeatedly warned about that “same Object,” by heroes like General Smedley Butler, Presidents like Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy, and all the wise people in between and after; yet we did not heed.  So now, many of us are needlessly suffering.  We’re told it’s our duty to vote, but too few of us know what our vote is for.  (Hint: it’s not to hire politicians).  Too few voters are even looking for alternatives, though most now say they want them.  Most people say they’re sick of the so-called “Two Party System.”  But alternatives have always existed in and around every one of us.  Alternatives have always been on the ballot.  We’ve never actually had a Two-Party System.  That’s been yet another of many lies that we should never have believed.  You can see that the primaries have innumerable candidates of highly varied ideology and beliefs, and can win with less than a quarter of the vote; yet we’re told we must have only two choices on the day that really counts?

Our constitutional design for a republic is still the newest and best thing in politics.  It’s a design for self-government; which cannot be delegated away.  Only We The People can fix this, and only by changing our choices and actions.  More simply, nothing gets better until we fire the crony network ruling class, and elect new guards for our future security.

We’ve seen that with more than two choices on the ballot, winners don’t need 51%, so blaming “the masses” is no excuse to keep re-electing what we’ve got.  Enough of us want more freedom, prosperity, security and justice, with less spying, lying, war and cultural collapse, that Libertarians should have won even more than the 12 races won in Indiana elections in 2022.  We would win many, many more in 2024, if people would just vote the way they talk.

Do you want the kind of politicians with a plan that most say they want from their party?  I’m here.  There are lots of us, ready and waiting.  Let’s talk, please.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

The BRICS End Run

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

January 25, 2024

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

It’s apparently newsworthy that Jim Banks says we shouldn’t trust John Rust.  I’ve read and heard it everywhere.  So this internecine tiff must be important news! 

But as our nation crumbles on the eve of WWIII, let’s strongly consider whether we should trust any part or person of the inherently divisive, unconstitutional, sold-out and obviously destructive Two Party System. 

Point to ponder: the 2023 BRICS Summit end-run around counterproductive, transgenerational, “bipartisan” global and domestic policies and actions.  The nations’ agreements underscored what some of us have been warning about for decades.  As the USA has spent trillions on secrecy, global hegemony, internal division and never-ending war, the nations we’ve angered and alienated with our sanctions, violence and subterfuge, have begun pushing us aside.

  • The original BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have, as of this month, admitted six new members to their bloc – Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.   This consortium now controls fully half of global oil production.
  • They’re exiting the USA’s “petrodollar system” to firm up their own currencies, and/or create a new common currency to ultimately become the global Reserve Currency.  This will make member nations immune to the USA’s oil/ dollar embargoes, and destroy the strong global market for the inflated, stretched-like-toffee U$D.
  • They’ll continue to build infrastructure and financial/technological capability through China’s global “One Belt One Road” initiative and trade agreements, while the USA keeps lobbing missiles, drones and spies at everybody.  They’re buying friends, trade partners and dependents, while we’re making enemies, and robbing friends.
  • They’ll continue work with the many wealthy elites, NGOs, INGOs, governments and transnational corporations[1] enacting the UN’s Agenda 2030 to take down western hegemony.  This New World Order replicates China’s “hybrid economy” model of corporatism under technologically enabled totalitarianism.  It’s a global techno-panopticon of total population control and crony capitalism, while the USA is persisting in aggressively militarized mercantilism.
  • They will likely resolve to dump the US Dollar for bloc transactions, and use a BRICS commodity-backed currency replacement late this year. If they do…it’ll be a major calamity when our inflated dollars lose market share, and investors stop buying Treasuries. Major calamity as in…financial collapse of a sort we’ve never seen. Even the Great Depression will seem like polite, napkin-covered hiccup in comparison.

BRICS nations have their problems, to be sure.  But they’re mostly on the way up, with good plans for growth, while we’re very demonstrably self-destructing at an accelerating pace as the bipartisan consensus of our disastrous Two Party Scam. 

This shouldn’t be happening.  We shouldn’t have so many enemies.  We should have more people wanting to emulate the peace, prosperity, liberty and justice for all that is ours to claim, by law.  And we should be uniting against those that have us fighting each other!  …But we’re steered in the wrong direction by every other candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat.

Ah, but can you trust me?  Smart question.

Well, only I have been protesting, campaigning, pressing lawsuits and committing to print all the same objections and solutions through three decades – solutions that, BTW, have been proven to work better than anything else we humans have ever tried.  And it’s all in my book for all to see and judge me by my own words, and thirty years of nonstop and unpaid action…

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


[1] Notably Big Pharma, Big Ag and Big Tech, but enveloping most industries, including education and entertainment.

‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

A Better “Great Reset”

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

January 18, 2024

A Better “Great Reset”

Freedom, IndianaAndrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

The UN’s Agenda 2030, a global domination scheme monetized by the WEF cartel, programmed into our minds by the TNI cartel, and to be enforced by the WHO monopoly through created catastrophe, must be stopped. 

WEF founder Klaus Schwab said in Davos, “We have to rebuild trust.”  But the wealthy elites, NGOs, INGOs, governments and corporations[1] working in lockstep to oppress us under a global digital panopticon, have been serially wrong, have lied, have suppressed truth, and have harmed yet-uncountable millions.  We would be foolish to trust them again. 

The USA must reassert our constitutional rule of law, national sovereignty, and individual human rights.  I have a plan to accomplish this, and I’d of course be happy to discuss it.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

[1] Notably Big Pharma, Big Ag and Big Tech, but enveloping most industries, including education and entertainment.

We need to relight the torch of liberty

Freedom, IndianaJuly 24 2023, Andrew Horning, seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024, made the following statement:

Ours is not a free nation.  We do not have constitutional rule of law.  This is not a republic.  We have no cohesive sense of justice or law, and we have no plan for either peace, or war.  Our nation certainly doesn’t embody our founders’ best ideas, or follow its foundational principles or laws.  Our government is so corrupt it is more accurate to call it a crony crime ring puppet show than anything like legitimate government.  And, by now, most of us know it.

Yet we are so inundated with lies and gaslighting in overt chest-pounding tribalism, that We The People are, as a collective culture, effectively paralyzed in hopelessness, fear, anger and partisan contempt.  Some of us, sadly, are radicalized to militancy by the lies disgorged from our elected officials, media, entertainment, information and education systems.

Worse, we’re denied information that would certainly change our attitudes, viewpoints, and critically, choices on Election Day.  Cover-ups are worse than lies.  As a Libertarian candidate for office, I’ve experienced how lack of coverage is vastly worse than even the most insulting, deceitful reporting.  With lies and bad information, at least we’re given something to think about, look into, and judge for ourselves.  We can’t judge what we can’t even see – not even in shadows or false images.

Just one example is the blinders we wear about vaccines since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, that transferred all liability for injury, from vaccine manufacturers, to taxpayers, and created a vast system of bad science, damaging vaccines, political corruption and global secrecy, as well as catastrophic damage to our herd immunity and overall health, that’s only worsening over generations.

The good news, and bad news, is that we chose this.  Around 90% of us, both voters, and those who let others choose for them, chose all of this, and keep choosing it.  That 90% won’t choose anything else.  This is bad because we’ve been choosing badly, and we’re only beginning to feel the results of our collective and transgenerational errors.  On the other hand that’s good, because in proving we had the power to mess it up, we should be able to see that we have the power to choose better.  And that’s very good because some truth is starting to leak out, against all the efforts of our political information machinery.

We have the power of peaceful revolution.  We can tear down this unconstitutional, inherently divisive and destructive, self-appointed and surprisingly recent “Two Party System” on a single day.  …If we want to.

My job, as a candidate, is to offer that choice on the ballot, and in print.  I am doing that.  The next move is yours.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana


“’Relighting the Torch’ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”  

Even the Best Republicans Can’t Fix Our Mess

Freedom, IndianaToday, Andrew Horning is announcing his candidacy for the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024:

Statement from Andrew Horning in announcing his candidacy

I admire loyalty.  But partisan divisions and contempt are tearing us apart. They make us believe we must double-down and reinforce this tribal warfare. 

It’s time to face the truth. Any vote for any major party candidate is a vote for a global puppet show of lobbyists, permanent partisan DC staffers, bureaucrats, bundlers, kingmakers, military industrialists and, increasingly, a relative few wealthy authoritarians scheming global domination and oppression behind the curtain of an unconstitutional, inherently divisive and destructive “Two Party System.” We should be enraged enough by the rising debts, inflation and cost of living, along with loss of rights, wealth, security, health, opportunity, and of course, freedom, that we’d vote it all away. Yet we embolden the status quo’s crony crime ring with our predictable votes of overwhelming approval.

The very best GOP officeholders, like Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, are well-intentioned, but voluntary cogs in a machine bigger than any candidate, bigger than the major parties, and, sadly, bigger than the USA.  The best Republicans (and there are many well-intentioned fine people in both major parties) can only waste our best efforts, money and time. They give us only false hope. They misappropriate our power of peaceful revolution. They waste our votes. We’ve been warned for generations, and not just by Eisenhower or our nation’s Founding Fathers.

Yet there’s no need to detail our culture’s many, vast, fundamental and catastrophic problems, or their surprisingly simple solutions. I wrote a whole book about it, and am offering a free Kindle Edition copy of “Relighting the Torch” from June 5 through June 9.

We have an opportunity to resurrect the best ideas in human history, and to vote away the worst.  We can have peace, prosperity, security, liberty and justice for all, at long last.  But we have to stop voting against ourselves…and for a better way.

The constitutional purpose of U.S. Senators is to be the voice of our sovereign states against the violation of constitutional restraints, concomitant encroachment and abuse of power and loss of individual human rights.  For that fundamental, constitutional, legal purpose, Indiana has not had a U.S. Senator for generations.  But there will be one such candidate for Indiana US Senate in 2024 — me.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana


“’Relighting the Torch’ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”  

Conspiracy Theories aren’t as scary as The Truth

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Libertarian candidate for IN08

30 September, 2022

Freedom, IN – For nearly 30 years through think tank articles, newspaper columns and blogs, and well-before I started organizing protests and running for public office, I’ve been writing about the problems that had already been dividing and threatening this nation’s future. And I’d been proposing solutions, ones that had already been amply proven a hundred years before I was born, to work better than anything else humans have ever tried.

Now, unfortunately, amid massive transgenerational theft, corruption, manipulative promises and domestic militarization that must have our nation’s founders shouting at us from the hereafter, the once brilliant flame of liberty has been replaced by gaslighting and pre-Hammurabi authoritarianism. Our government is both a Big Lie, and our most ominous and existential threat. We don’t have much time to set this right before global conflagration and catastrophe.

There’s no need to detail the lies, the conspiracy facts or the obvious energy, economic, social and moral problems that We The People now suffer. What’s important is to understand that we got here because fewer and fewer among us dare to speak truth to power, far too many are paid to lie, and over 90% of us, both voters, and those who delegate their choice to others, have been voting for this monstrous mess.

The “Two Party System” is a bad game

Any democratic process at all, whether political, business or at home, depends upon good information. Bad or missing information dooms the process to bad outcomes. And our increasingly secret, yet intrusively snooping government has not only paid or otherwise induced people to lie for generations, even well-before and since Operation Mockingbird and Facebook, but has also become a puppet show distracting us from the fact that the people in elected office are not the people running our government.

Most of our citizens have known for some time that our government is corrupt. But how could we know the extent of the corruption, or what to do about it, unless we have more exposure to well-documented yet nearly forbidden information from alternative sources like Epoch Times or foreign media? Political debates are a thing of the past. Most “investigative journalism” has become only a litany of partisan buzzwords and cherry-picked quotes.

So it’s both understandable, and our collective shame, that in electoral politics there is no advantage to being right, and clearly no disadvantage to being wrong. The consequences of that are only now starting to unfold.

But a bigger shame is that our monolithic information, entertainment, education and political systems have so effectively pitted us against each other, that we think we have bigger problems.

We have the power to fix this, of course. But we have to both want to, and vote that way.

Aye, there’s the rub.
Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See my previous press releases at:
And please see, “Eight Steps to Success” at


BAD FED! Bad, bad Fed!

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Libertarian candidate for IN08

28 September, 2022

The Fed caused inflation and now wants more unemployment

Freedom, IN – Andrew Horning, the 2022 Libertarian Party candidate for Indiana’s 8th district US House, is not the only one who has for decades warned of the dangers of ungoverned government in general, and specifically, a malignant, corrupt central bank that funds it all.

The original design of The Federal Reserve System, while corrupt and unconstitutional, wasn’t so bad when it’s only purpose was to be the quasi-private “lender of last resort,” and when the US Congress, via the Treasury, was still solely responsible for monetary policy and the issuance of money as constitutionally required. But The Fed grew worse and worse as it became a para-political hybrid, and anti-constitutional scheme, of hidden taxation to monetize political debt, and thus over-mortgage our future. A future, which by the way, is coming payment-overdue within just a few years.

The Fed’s stated role is now to control inflation, interest and employment rates. The fact is that their market interventions cause malinvestment through artificial market signals originating with their now complete power over the issuance and value of the US Dollar. The fact is that the Fed admitted to causing and worsening the Great Depression1, and is about to make that depression look like a minor kerfuffle.
Nobel-Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said that “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” All serious economists have understood this for some time. So it’s understandable that Fed Chairs have, up to now, issued cryptic statements about their operations, since they’ve been lying.

Now Fed Chair Jerome Powell has made a clear statement. “There will very likely be some softening of labor market conditions,” and “We will keep at it until we are confident the job is done.” He said this understanding that it will cause a recession and pain with innumerable US citizens thrown into unemployment or early Social Security…which will cost all of us dearly.

This is not just bad economics. This is self-immolation at a time when our culture, our state of law and public trust is already on fire. Agriculture and energy infrastructure is being systematically and globally ruined. Big Pharma and politicians have destroyed public respect for science. We’re heading backwards into Follow-The-Alpha authoritarianism and domestic militarism that predates Hammurabi, and is both global, and cartel-monopolized in scale. This is a pivotal, dangerous, and, well…stupid situation.

For too long, there’s been no electoral advantage to being right, and no electoral disadvantage to being wrong. And for too long there have been too few willing to speak truth to power.

Well, here is some truth. Our government, or rather the unconstitutional colossus comprised of the global “deep state” and “shadow government” of consortiums, NGOs, secret agencies and shadow apparatchiks like Victoria Nuland, is now our biggest, most existential threat. It’s even worse than the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing war with us…a war that they are slowly winning, by the way.
We will be very sorry if We The People don’t make new choices in the voting booth very soon, and overwhelmingly.
Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See my previous press releases at:
And please see, “Eight Steps to Success” at and


1 In 2002, Ben Bernanke admitted, “I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.”

Press Release: It’s a Red and Blue ping pong game – and we’re their ball.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning, Libertarian candidate for IN08
19 August, 2022

It’s a Red and Blue ping pong game – and we’re their ball.
(…Or maybe it’s Good Cop/Bad Cop. Whatever it is, is tearing us apart.)

A fine game…for them.

Freedom, IN – A little over half my friends and family are loyal Republicans, so I try my best to understand why they’re so faithful to a party that continuously stabs them in the back in lost rights, more violation of constitutional limitations, more authoritarianism, more bad science and corruption from Big Pharma and Big Ag, more spending, more debt, more spying, lying and militarization, both foreign, and domestic.

You can follow the campaign dollars and see why. As long as they get reelected no matter what, they’ll happily take the money and run…all over us.

But I was asked to listen to Donald Trump’s speech at CPAC, since, especially after the FBI raid, he’s once again idolized as the savior of our nation. So I listened. Since I agree that the current leaders of the Democratic Party are barking-at-the-moon nuts, I too am hoping for miracles…other a Libertarian Sweep of our federal government, of course.

Here are my observations (excluding any mention of extreme narcissism and self-aggrandizement):

  1. Much of what Trump said of his accomplishments is not true. For example, the spending and debt by his signature ($4.2 trillion spending is worst-ever), as well as the Fed “stimulus” he supported, is more than half the cause of our current inflationary spike. And “the economy” was not even close to our best-ever; even excluding the COVID-19 madness over which he presided. Also, the supposed drop in unemployment was well under way with Obama before Trump took the helm.
  1. While he was only partly wrong about the elimination of drug problems in Singapore, his insinuation that we should add death penalties and harsher enforcement of our already unconstitutional “War On Drugs” is tragically wrong-headed.
  2. He spoke of “draining the Swamp” as if he hadn’t already had the reason, authority, power and duty to do that already. All Executive Agencies, for example operate and indeed exist under his direct constitutional authority; he should have stopped their anti-constitutional powers and operations, or eliminated the corrupt agencies completely, with one of the few correct uses of Executive Orders.
  3. My faithful Republicans believe that ex-POTUS Trump has learned from his past errors, will drain the swamp at last, repair foreign policy, and turn domestic policy and action over to VPOTUS DeSantis… which of course can’t happen.
  4. Yet another “red wave” can’t possibly fix anything. If Republican voters once again vote red, the kingmakers, puppet masters, unelected bureaucrats, permanent partisan staffers, National Security State, Mainstream and New Media that comprise “the Deep State” will still be in charge. In fact that crony network would be even more empowered, since Trump said he’d have to ask Congress to do his job of governing the executive agencies. Too few in the GOP have ever read the constitution to which they pledge their support; even fewer understand what it says.
  5. Voters can of course clean up this mess, but only by tearing down the Two Party System that is, like it or not, as wholly and irredeemably corrupt as Trump admitted, it is. That swamp is quite able to suppress any attempts to clean house from inside the system that the swamp owns and controls anyway. Only voters can tear away the partisan firewall, expose the puppet masters, and clean up this destructive madness.

I am not unsympathetic. I understand the need to turn from national self-immolation. But the partisan seesaw we’ve played with two parties who’ve acquired increasingly unfair, corrupt and anti-constitutional power since before we got D/R-only Primary Elections in the 1970’s has been increasingly divisive, increasingly corrupt, and increasingly destructive.

When you see that your horse is dead, dismount” is a fine saying, but it doesn’t go far enough. “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” also fails to capture the absurdity of the mess that we keep reelecting. This mess is the direct reflection of We The People. Our government is our avatar. Nothing gets better until we do.

We need a cultural epiphany and reconsideration of who we are, and what the abstraction we call “The United States of America” is all about. We need a revolution that starts in our collective hearts and minds. And we need it fast.

Fortunately, that’s what elections are for. Our vote is not a poker chip. This is no game. We have in our voting arm the power of peaceful revolution. And we certainly need that. Right now.

Each of us also has a voice, people to talk to, and at least a little money to offer to those who really are trying to fight this two-headed monstrosity on our behalf.

We are not powerless. But the historical clock of societal collapse is ticking…

*See my past press releases at

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana


Tuì Dǎng – Right here, right now.

For Immediate Release
Andrew Horning, Libertarian candidate for IN08
11 August, 2022

Freedom, IN – There is a growing movement in China called 退党, or tuì dǎng, which means, “to withdraw from a political party,” or specifically today, to leave the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

There should be no need to say why tuì dǎng is a good thing in today’s dysfunctional, violently oppressive China. The Chinese people have suffered long enough. But there should also be no reason to detail why such a movement is needed here in the USA.

All of us know that the self-appointed, anti-constitutional, divisive and spiteful “Two Party System” that our founders warned against, is a hot mess. We should be done with the increasingly obvious lies, partisan attacks, militarization of unelected bureaucracies, and all the corruption we were warned about by George Washington, through Eisenhower, JFK, and all the wisest people since 1776.

Who isn’t sick of the embarrassing collusion and tribalism inherent in only two choices? In what other realm of natural or human choice would only two options be tolerated anyway? More to the point, actually, there have never been only two choices! Not legally, or even practically, since there are today hundreds of elected Libertarians in the USA, just for example. We’re only told that there are only two choices by the entrenched crony parties themselves, and their servant media. This has to stop!

There have already been many minor movements away from each of the two puppet parties, and the old media. “Blexit,” “Never Trumpers,” and innumerable fractious factions are already dividing the parties into more siloed factions. It’s time to finish the job, and tear down the whole Two Party System canard.

It’s destructive, no sane human likes it, and it’s going to end – either by rational choice, or in slackjaw surprise when red and blue waves finally sweep away all that was good of western culture.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See “Eight Steps to Success” at


You want term limits? Fire the incumbents and hire a BUNCH of new politicians.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning, Libertarian candidate for IN08

July 29, 2022

Freedom, IN – Now that most “laws” are written by unelected bureaucrats and few in D.C. seem worried about our government’s growing power, spending and debt, it seems the only job for US Congress critters, other than naming post offices of course, is to get reelected. And the key strategy to keep getting reelected is to keep your head down, don’t make waves, don’t have any unscripted public appearances, enjoy your new D.C. friends, take the money and run silent, run deep.

But that’s not how any of this was supposed to work!

I used to oppose term limits on the US Congress. But mostly because of unconstitutional state and federal codes that grant unfair power and money to incumbent parties and politicians, I would, if elected, immediately propose term limits (among many other restraints on politicians).

But that wouldn’t solve the problem of politicians who don’t live in the district, and insulate themselves from the people they’re to serve. So I’d also propose we (hang onto your hat) increase the number of US House Reps. far beyond the number set in 1929 based on the 1910 census, but also far less than James Madison’s proposed constitutional limit of, based on today’s population, 66,000!

Hang on. Hear me out…

  1. We have the technology to do this. I’ve worked remote since the 1990’s, and many more do today. Consider how much different your access to federal politics would be if your representative was almost always in your district, and geographically much, much closer.
  2. A lot of our reps don’t even show up to work even half the time, and there are only from around 160 to 190 days when they’re expected to show up anyway. Being closer to constituents, with less excuse to play hooky, would promote more accountability.
  3. Pet pork projects and sleazy behavior would be much harder to sneak past so many more representatives that aren’t so buddy-buddy, and don’t hang out at the same golf courses.
  4. Most of Washington D.C. is a theme park for corruption and political puppet masters. We really want to get our representatives out of that town.
  5. More representatives would make both the House, and thus the Electoral College, more representative of our population in geography, demographics and ideology.
  6. It’s pretty dirt-cheap for large special interests to buy out a majority among only 435 reps. Even the military-industrial and financial complexes would have a much harder time purchasing thousands of reps who lived and worked closer to their constituents.
  7. We’d be much more likely to actually know something about the people we hire for the job if they were more accessible to us before Election Day.
  8. With a few thousand reps close to home and more accessible, we wouldn’t need so many tens of thousands of new and heavily-armed IRS agents.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See “Eight Steps to Success” at and
