Now that the Ugly Pageant is over, can we talk?

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

May 8, 2024

OK, “Primary Election” is over.  Can we talk now?

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

Our nation is in big trouble; for the first time in decades, and in more ways, and far worse, than ever.  The way we’ve been voting is not working.  What we’ve been told about critical things, is not true.  Our nation, and much of the world, is now led by a consortium of Malthusian eugenicist psychopathic elites, who make anti-USA agreements in foreign nations, strengthen our enemies.  They own and operate this inherently tribal and so-called “Two-Party System” as a puppet show, to divide us against ourselves, and divert our attention from what’s really going on.  I wish I was making that up.  But I’m not.

Yes, it is a puppet show.  The first opportunity to weed out the disobedient and attach the strings to candidates who’ll dance, is Primary Elections, which, as implemented in Indiana and most other states, are an unconstitutional, costly and taxpayer-supported, year-long promotion scheme for only the status quo crony parties, and the corrupting organizations that own and operate them.  Worse still, it’s during primaries that many voters decide their votes for the General Election. 

Alternative party candidates like me, who earn their place on the General Election ballot without taxpayer money, are not only excluded from the primary election ballot, we’re also denied the free media, and political advertising rates granted to only Democrats and Republicans…not to mention all the dirty corporate, NGO, INGO and elite money that attaches those puppet strings to the self-styled “Major Party Candidates,” who end up becoming incumbents until they die of mildew.  We shouldn’t keep re-electing this destructive corruption.  We should in fact be very suspicious of the candidates who make it through the costly and corrupting degradation.  But the media rarely even mention alternative candidates, and there are rarely any public debates or forums, until early voting has already started, when over a quarter of us vote, without ever hearing there’s easy opportunity for change.

That said, 2024’s damnable primary election is now done, and we need to talk, and there’s not much time.  We The People really do need to talk…about our collapsing money, economy and culture, on the eve of WWIII, that is by easily available facts, the result of our collective compliance, inaction, and votes. 

This is much simpler than we’ve been led to believe.  We The People have all the power, because we have the numbers, the voices, and even the money and working hands that make, buy, sell, and empower, everything.  And every Election Day, we still have the Power of Peaceful Revolution.  Yes, election fraud is a thing, but we could fix that, too, if we really wanted to.  We have no excuses.  You know the saying, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me?”  Are we still fooled?  Are we hurting enough yet to change our choices, and thus change the world? 

The most timely, actionable words of our once-precious Declaration of Independence are, “…that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

We’ve been repeatedly warned about that “same Object,” by heroes like General Smedley Butler, Presidents like Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy, and all the wise people in between and after; yet we did not heed.  So now, many of us are needlessly suffering.  We’re told it’s our duty to vote, but too few of us know what our vote is for.  (Hint: it’s not to hire politicians).  Too few voters are even looking for alternatives, though most now say they want them.  Most people say they’re sick of the so-called “Two Party System.”  But alternatives have always existed in and around every one of us.  Alternatives have always been on the ballot.  We’ve never actually had a Two-Party System.  That’s been yet another of many lies that we should never have believed.  You can see that the primaries have innumerable candidates of highly varied ideology and beliefs, and can win with less than a quarter of the vote; yet we’re told we must have only two choices on the day that really counts?

Our constitutional design for a republic is still the newest and best thing in politics.  It’s a design for self-government; which cannot be delegated away.  Only We The People can fix this, and only by changing our choices and actions.  More simply, nothing gets better until we fire the crony network ruling class, and elect new guards for our future security.

We’ve seen that with more than two choices on the ballot, winners don’t need 51%, so blaming “the masses” is no excuse to keep re-electing what we’ve got.  Enough of us want more freedom, prosperity, security and justice, with less spying, lying, war and cultural collapse, that Libertarians should have won even more than the 12 races won in Indiana elections in 2022.  We would win many, many more in 2024, if people would just vote the way they talk.

Do you want the kind of politicians with a plan that most say they want from their party?  I’m here.  There are lots of us, ready and waiting.  Let’s talk, please.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

No “lesser evil” in the Duopoly

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

April 25, 2024

It’s no secret why politicians “change”

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

Despite their campaign rhetoric, every one of Indiana’s federal politicians has voted for more cronyism, spying, lying, silencing, spending, foreign entanglements, subterfuge and debt…quite the opposite of what most voters want.  Every one of these incumbents, and both crony parties, have robbed you of money, rights, autonomy and opportunity.  No exceptions.  Not one from Indiana, anyway.

So today, a common question on alternative media interviews is, “why do you think politician X spoke common sense before the election, but has now become yet another cog in the status quo corruption machine?”  I’m astonished how few ever answer correctly, when the answer has been known for generations.  It’s corruption – by either The Carrot, or The Stick.

Harry S Truman famously wrote that, “We want no Gestapo or secret police.  FBI is tending in that direction.  They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail… Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.” 

In other words, “knowledge” (particularly of the leverageable, dark sort) is power.  That’s The Stick.  Intimidation, personal attacks and smear campaigns, faked “evidence,” lawfare…and assassinations are quite the inducement to toe the line.

But even before the existence of the “military-industrial complex” and “scientific-technological elite” that Eisenhower, and even our founders, warned against, behind-the-scenes tyrants like John D Rockefeller and other Malthusian eugenicists bent on global domination, used their money to take over entertainment, healthcare and of course, education.  They created tax-exempt NGOs and INGOs to build the stage and attach strings to our present political puppet show.  Campaigns are expensive – too expensive (that’s an issue I’ll discuss later).  And that makes candidates open to The Carrot; i.e., campaign donations, insider trading, and other corruptions of money and other bribes.  Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum succeeded where the Fabians, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations did not, by assembling a corporatocracy of wealthy corporations and the ultrarich, by what he calls “Stakeholder Capitalism;” i.e., globalist corporatist mercantilism; i.e., fascism or National Socialism, as only dreamed by Mussolini and Hitler.  Their money base includes all traditional media and entertainment groups like Disney, financial powers like Blackrock, of course the whole of our military-industrial and scientific-technological elite including the CIA, FBI, Raytheon, Boeing, Google, Facebook…  The money and power is both immense, and mighty.  So, our visible, elected government, has become a protection racket for a shadow government of ruling class elites.

Fortunately, those of us who’ve been decrying this for decades are no longer a tiny number of fringe voices.  New media, and new documentation such as Whitney Webb’s exhaustively researched, two-volume, “One Nation Under Blackmail,” have detailed the connections from our government’s first employments of The Mob, to the CIA’s purchase of Civil Air Transport, and what really was the story with Jeffrey Epstein’s clients.

The simple fact, and the correct answer to the aforementioned interview question is that…while We The People slept, our politicians sold out, and we kept reelecting them anyway.  We The People have not been the ones supplying either carrots or sticks.  The unconstitutional, inherently divisive and self-appointed Two Party System has over time become only a red-herring smokescreen puppet show diversion from the real powers behind the curtain.  Enough of us now know it that we should stop reelecting this whole system of corruption.  And we can.

We still have the power to tear away the curtain and see the truth.  We still have the power to fire not only the puppeteers, but the entire consortium of kingmakers, bundlers, partisan staffers, corporate cronies, three-letter agents and globalist NGOs.  That is, in fact, the whole point of elections.  Our votes are our weapons of peaceful revolution, and it’s time we use them.  And that’s not all the power we’ve got.  Let’s talk.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

The Taking of TikTok

For Immediate Release
(Sorry…I’m posting this late)
Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate
March 14, 2024

The GOP is more than half the problem

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

EVERY ONE of Indiana’s US House Reps. voted for the massive censorship, power grab, TikTok bill.  It has nothing to do with China’s CCP.  It had much more to do with the three popular topics on TikTok that our “Blob” shadow government has made taboo:

1. The 2020 Election.
2. Anything related to Fauci’s bioweapon and corporate corruption.
3. Israel/Gaza.

Our own government spies on everybody, all the time, at our expense.  Our own politicians and their cronies line their pockets, lie, and kill worldwide at our expense.  Our own government funds, trains and arms both sides of every conflict on the planet…at our expense.  Our own government is bringing foreign agents and criminals across our own border…and encouraging them to vote in our elections…at our expense.

The so-called “Public-Private Partnerships” that comprise much of today’s “shadow government” (rich corporations like Blackrock, Tech firm CIA cutouts like Google and Facebook, and media censor conglomerates like the Trusted News Initiative) have been promoted by not only Republicans, but also by Klaus Scwhab’s WEF, the UN’s Agenda 2030, and Benito Mussolini.  The GOP has controlled our USA government many times over the decades, but the last time there was an actual reduction in federal spending was during the 1975–76 recession.  Any dispassionate analysis shows that Republicans are no better than Democrats with debt, inflation, spies, lies, the military industrial complex, and the massive corruption that’s been building for over a century that we call the “Deep State,” “The Blob,” or “The Swamp.”  In claiming to be better than Democrats, they only our waste time, money, and good people.  And they create only false hope. 

Several GOP congressmen are almost certainly quitting…possibly before the election.  Guess who’d then be in charge of congress during the election?  Guess what’ll happen next, when our POTUS has all this power?

And this TikTok ban got lighting-fast agreement and approval as Social Security goes broke and our society divides against itself? 

One of our US House Reps voting yes to this, who used to be fairly libertarian before he went native, is the GOP’s anointed for Indiana’s 2024 US Senate race.  Yet, as with every election in my lifetime, I’ve heard too many people say, “yes, Andy, you’re right.  But THIS election is too important,” to stop our tribal, Election Day ritual suicide.  “We have to keep voting the way we’ve been voting if we want anything to get better,” they seem to say.

But there are finally good signs.  A recent Gallup poll shows that, “Sixty-three percent of U.S. adults currently agree with the statement that the Republican and Democratic parties do ‘such a poor job’ of representing the American people that ‘a third major party is needed.’”  More people than ever have started listening to Libertarians.  Many have told me they’ve had enough of the obviously sold-out, unconstitutional and inherently divisive Two Party System. 

So now, we just need to vote the way we talk.  Let’s finally use our weapons of peaceful revolution (our votes) to finally put right what has gone very, very wrong for far too long.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

Social Insecurity

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

March 26, 2024

Social Insecurity

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

It is, of course, true that Libertarians oppose unconstitutional, costly and inevitably destructive “government programs” that make up most of what government does to us today.  But when people use that against us, as if we’re who’s wrong, they’re ignoring reality. 

No photo description available.

Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are failing…fast, and badly, as we’ve been warned.  …For decades.  Democrats and Republicans play games with base-pandering rhetoric, but the fact persists:  Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, are failing.  Nobody denies this anymore, yet nobody’s worried enough to fix what literally millions of Americans depend upon for basic living needs?  Even legacy media outlets, the ones who’re gradually conceding that most of Libertarians’ “conspiracy theories” are in fact, truth, are saying that our safety net programs will need to be scaled back in benefits, increased in cost, and will maybe fail anyway, as we add another trillion in USA debt every 100 days, for other priorities that rob us of rights and wealth, as government gains power, corruption, anti-civilian weaponry and secrecy.

The voters our government brings across our borders, may help with the demographic problem of too many retirees per taxpayer.  That’s one of the many reasons our government has been encouraging illegal border crossings since Reagan’s administration.  But the new aliens may not share our priorities, and may not want to pay into a system doomed by our government’s obvious priority of foreign entanglements, foreign aid, endless wars, and relentless spying, lying and crony capitalism here at home.

So, shall we continue to reelect people who rob millions of taxpayers 15.3% of their salary in combined OASDI and HI payroll taxes, as they prepare to stab millions of retirees in the back? 

This is worth repeating: The over-lauded keystones of FDR’s New Deal, and LBJ’s Great Society, Social Security, and Medicare/Medicaid are failing.  And we’re all paying for it, in every way.

While Libertarians rightly disdain impossible political promises, they are still promises.  And we believe in keeping promises.  There are ways to keep promises to citizens, by nullifying our other problems.  Ask me how.

It’s time to stop reelecting this catastrophic Two Puppet Party train wreck.  We need to FIX THIS to avoid genuinely impoverishing fiscal, monetary and social calamity.  NOW!

I pray it’s not only Libertarians who think so.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

Spies, liars, and hackers of the public mind

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate
812 585 0902 cell 

January 31, 2024

Spies, liars, and hackers of the public mind

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

♬♪ They see you when you’re sleeping, they know when you’re awake; they know when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake! ♩♫

In 2017 I made the case for several radical proposals that I reaffirm now:

  • Kill FISA, of course, but also nullify the National Security Act of 1947.
  • Eliminate the FBI, CIA and NSA, leaving all domestic law enforcement to more local, appropriate units of government, and already-constitutionally authorized courts. 
  • Make the US Congress directly manage our foreign spy operations and funding under specific congressional warrants and limitations, including the Geneva Conventions, just as with constitutional funding and declaration of war and national defense (which hasn’t been the case since WWII, BTW).
  • Make the process and results of FOIA requests more open and complete.
  • Most importantly, I proposed making it a serious crime, eligible for criminal and civil punishment, for agencies and agents of government to withhold the immediate and full release of requested information to congress, and/or in most circumstances, as specified by congress, to the public.

In the years since 2017, it has become obvious to a larger number of us, that secrecy and deceit has enabled the creation of a corrupt and perverse system of control that is in the final phases of destroying our republic.   If I’d been the only one calling for us to wake up, I wouldn’t be so worried that my frequent and public proposals have been ignored.  But I’m not the only one, or the most recent, or the most familiar with the shadowy puppet masters behind the curtain.

“…We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail.  J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.” —  President Harry S. Truman

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” —  President Dwight D. Eisenhower

The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.” —  President John F Kennedy

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

The case for (peaceful) revolution

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

January 12, 2024

The case for (peaceful) revolution

Freedom, IndianaAndrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

With Larry Bucshon soon exiting, stage left, A good friend and longtime GOP D.C. insider said I should run in the GOP primary for Indiana’s 8th district seat.  I was briefly tempted.  Truth be told, I’ve voted in the two requisite GOP primaries, and I’d love to get paid for what I do at personal cost anyway.  I won an election as a Republican, and a high percentage of the finest people I know, are Republicans.  So it is with respect to the opinions of my friends that I declare the causes which call for revolution, instead of continued capitulation to the status quo.

The whole inherently corrupt, unconstitutional, fraudulent Two Party System is a puppet show distraction from the legions of bureaucrats, bundlers, kingmakers, puppet masters and authoritarian NGOs, INGOs, corporations and billionaires who’re actually running the world.  That’s of course unconstitutional, as well as fraudulent, thieving, and mass murderous.  And those movie-ready supervillains are doing a terrible job of ruling the planet.  …How terrible?

Through the last forty years, fertility and birth rates have dropped.  Early puberty for girls, and halved testosterone and sperm count for boysExplosion in autism spectrum disorders.  Exploding chronic disease and the very visible problem of obesity and metabolic syndrome in even our very young.  More recently, a marked increase in “excess death” rates and lower life expectancyThe ominous, new, phthalate syndromeMental health issues, possibly including gender dysphoria.  We’ve gone from poisoning our own people, to funding the bioweapons research of the Chinese Communist PartyWe have a needless, corrupt, unconstitutional immigration crisis.  We’re on the edge of another World War, just as we’re about to experience a global monetary, fiscal/financial and cultural collapse that will make The Fall of Rome look like a lady’s gentle sneeze.

Since the mid-1990’s, I’ve ever-more-urgently protested, campaigned, written and publicly lectured against the corruption of our globalized, monopolized, corporatized, sold-out, blackmailed and bought government.  I’ve warned of the insidious growth of unelected cartel powers from the Fabian Society, Chatham House, Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, Trilateral Commission and, of course, the World Economic Forum which have enacted the techno-totalitarian plans of Malthusians to create a corporation-owned digital panopticon, and rob us of all we have.  I’m certainly not the only one who’s issued such warnings.  Starting with founding fathers and several later Presidents, we’ve been warned.  My last press release was about one of the last steps toward a techno-totalitarianism Eisenhower could only imagine when he coined the “scientific-technological elite” – silencing opposition and controlling information.

To cut to the crux – “The Government” as represented by the Two Party System we see on the ballot is hardly even relevant anymore.  Most “laws” aren’t written by elected lawmakers.They’re written, judged, executed and enforced by executive agency bureaucrats and cops…and that’s all illegal.  Even the laws passed by legislatures are mostly written by unelected staffers and of course lobbyists.  “Public-Private Partnerships” are a scam.  Corporations chartered, empowered and regulated by corporate laws are government entities, and are not private.  “Public” means politicians.  Corporations, NGOs, INGOs and IGOs ARE today’s government.  This is of course anti-democratic, anti-constitutional, illegal and illegitimate.

Maybe we’ve not yet suffered enough? We all should have read the words, “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomedin context. For too long, and through too much deceit, injustice and death, too many of us have emboldened and sustained what must end by our mindful choice, or in slack-jaw horror, violence and poverty.

We need a revolution.  We need to fire the whole system of corruption and fraud.  No politician can do that – only voters can.  And they can do that only by willfully, conclusively rejecting the whole crony network.

The good news is that we have the legal, peaceful power to accomplish this…in a single day, if we’re willing to look in the mirror and see the truth of how we got here.  All revolutions start in the mind, after all.  And it’d take only a little more than a third of us to change everything. It’s only the bad math of a “two party system“ that has us invoking “the masses“ for our “lesser evil“ choices. It’s the passionate few who’ve always determined the course of history – just as it’s only tiny handful of wealthy globalists calling all the shots today. And by all the recent data, we have the numbers – we need only vote the way we talk.

We can live together in peace, security, prosperity, liberty and justice for all.  We need only use our votes as weapons of revolution, as is their whole purpose. I intend to put exactly that peaceful, necessary revolution on the ballot for Indiana’s 2024 US Senate election.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

WEF and TNI – The REAL “Threat To Democracy”

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate
January 3, 2024

Freedom, IndianaAndrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

How much more obvious can it be, that a global cartel of elitist Malthusian eugenicists bent on depopulation and global domination, are well on their way to destroying our nation?  Well, it’s not obvious at all to people who know only what they’re told.  For that we can thank the “Trusted News Initiative” (TNI).

The information of the people at large can alone make them safe, as they are the sole depositary of our political and religious freedom.” – Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 1810.

“…wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” – Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, 1789.

Today, most of us understand that our government is corrupt.  Even our leftist media agree that evil things have been done under and behind the USA flag in the past (they just won’t concede that it’s happening today).  Most people at least sense that we’re in big trouble – cultural, as well as monetary, military, legal and fiscal.  We’re already suffering the effects of disastrous politics, authoritarian mismanagement and debt from the current and past administrations. But it’s been a slowly ratcheting problem that we don’t seem to notice as we should.  And, as it says in our Declaration of Independence, “…mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  So most of us still vote for the unconstitutional crony system of bundlers, lobbyists, kingmakers, partisan staffers, bureaucrats and industrialists we call “The Two Party System.”

Since the WEF’s founding in 1971, accelerating since the late 1980’s, and becoming a juggernaut since 2012 (particularly with the creation of COVID 19 “opportunity” – their words, not mine), the few rich and influential WEF elite have been effective in leveraging their nightmarish vision of techno-totalitarianism through most of the world’s governments.  While the WEF websites no longer use the UN’s Agenda 2030 logo or clearly state specific agenda points, these literal fascists (by Mussolini’s definition – the bundling/morphing of corporatism and socialism) do clearly aim to take all we have (rights, property, opportunity), and give it to their corporate cronies.  That much is not “conspiracy theory.”  It is the WEF’s publicly stated objective of “public-private partnerships” and “stakeholder capitalism.”

Pouring accelerant on this cultural conflagration, the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) – a cartel of ideologically authoritarian tech/ information/ entertainment corporations, not only control most of what we can search, read, see and hear, but also crush alternative viewpoints and people through character assassination, lies and misinformation.  This also is not “conspiracy theory.”  It is the TNI’s publicly stated objective to monopolize and control information and sources.  And their coordinated, even lockstep actions, have already led to catastrophic economic, legal, monetary system and human life damage. 

Our government has concealed huge murderous conspiracies for sometimes decades…the radiation, drug and disease experiments on citizens, soldiers, inmates and children, for example.  The still-dubious JFK assassination investigations.  Or the second day of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and “weapons of mass destruction” that were our rationalizations for wars.  Now they’ve redefined and selectively applied words like “insurrection” to warp the effect of laws and courts to their partisan whims.  And of course there’s what we’re only gradually finding out about the dubious safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines, treatments, lockdowns and masks, as well as the origin of the virus itself –from only alternative media sources. 

Eisenhower warned of not only the “military-industrial complex,” but also “the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite sixty-three years ago.  Just three months later, JFK warned of “secret societies and the danger of government secrecy.  Our FBI, CIA and NSA have a horrible history of crime, violence and lies.  Many of our most respected media, like the New York Times, have a long history of destructive deceit.  How much more can be concealed from us should the TNI succeed in squashing all alternative thoughts and media?    

Of course I wish success to RFK Jr. and his anti-trust suit against the near-monopoly on communication and freedom to speak.

But ultimately, We The People are in charge of everything.  We outnumber the ruling class millions to one; and everything that happens is by our obedience and paying/working participation, if not consent.  However, our incorporated rulers have turned us against ourselves, and our culture is rapidly crumbling.  Things will change; either by our deliberate actions, or in slackjaw surprise when it all comes down around our ears.

We can fix this, and it wouldn’t take “the masses” too many invoke as rationalization for “lesser evil” voting.  We don’t have to buy what they’re selling us.  We can at the very least do to this unelected corporatized ruling class, what we did to Bud Light. 

More significantly; if we’re ready to see the unconstitutional Two Party System we were warned against for what it is – an inherently divisive, and wholly-owned puppet of corrupt shadow powers – we can turn this nation, and maybe the world, back onto the path toward peace, prosperity, security, liberty and justice for all, with only a little more than a third of us.  And 34% of us would certainly be 33.99999999etc% more democratic, legal, fair, and much more sustainable representation than we’ve got now.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


“’Relighting the Torch’ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..” 

Conspiracy Theories aren’t as scary as The Truth

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Libertarian candidate for IN08

30 September, 2022

Freedom, IN – For nearly 30 years through think tank articles, newspaper columns and blogs, and well-before I started organizing protests and running for public office, I’ve been writing about the problems that had already been dividing and threatening this nation’s future. And I’d been proposing solutions, ones that had already been amply proven a hundred years before I was born, to work better than anything else humans have ever tried.

Now, unfortunately, amid massive transgenerational theft, corruption, manipulative promises and domestic militarization that must have our nation’s founders shouting at us from the hereafter, the once brilliant flame of liberty has been replaced by gaslighting and pre-Hammurabi authoritarianism. Our government is both a Big Lie, and our most ominous and existential threat. We don’t have much time to set this right before global conflagration and catastrophe.

There’s no need to detail the lies, the conspiracy facts or the obvious energy, economic, social and moral problems that We The People now suffer. What’s important is to understand that we got here because fewer and fewer among us dare to speak truth to power, far too many are paid to lie, and over 90% of us, both voters, and those who delegate their choice to others, have been voting for this monstrous mess.

The “Two Party System” is a bad game

Any democratic process at all, whether political, business or at home, depends upon good information. Bad or missing information dooms the process to bad outcomes. And our increasingly secret, yet intrusively snooping government has not only paid or otherwise induced people to lie for generations, even well-before and since Operation Mockingbird and Facebook, but has also become a puppet show distracting us from the fact that the people in elected office are not the people running our government.

Most of our citizens have known for some time that our government is corrupt. But how could we know the extent of the corruption, or what to do about it, unless we have more exposure to well-documented yet nearly forbidden information from alternative sources like Epoch Times or foreign media? Political debates are a thing of the past. Most “investigative journalism” has become only a litany of partisan buzzwords and cherry-picked quotes.

So it’s both understandable, and our collective shame, that in electoral politics there is no advantage to being right, and clearly no disadvantage to being wrong. The consequences of that are only now starting to unfold.

But a bigger shame is that our monolithic information, entertainment, education and political systems have so effectively pitted us against each other, that we think we have bigger problems.

We have the power to fix this, of course. But we have to both want to, and vote that way.

Aye, there’s the rub.
Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See my previous press releases at:
And please see, “Eight Steps to Success” at


Too stupid to know we’re being stupid?


I’m pretty sure that my wisest, most clear-headed moments have been when I fully, accountably realized that I was being an idiot.

And I think the wisest of those moments resulted from somebody else pointing out to me that I was being an idiot…and I listened.

There is that saying, “A wise man learns more from a fool than a fool learns from a wise man.

OK, so I hope the preceding was a sufficiently humble preface, since I’m about to call hundreds of millions of people idiots.

You see, having been to innumerable political forums where politicians outnumber regular folk; having participated in scores of public debates; having authored hundreds of articles published in major media and reading the angry retorts; having stood at the center of hundreds of protesters with a megaphone in my hand; having been to hundreds of public meetings where policy is purchased; being fairly well-acquainted with the best political minds in at least Indiana; and having warned everybody I know about our current national predicament when there was still time to fix it; I feel unusually well-qualified to make the following statement:

We The People, that arbitrary, abstract and problematic mob called a “nation,” in the Year of Our Lord 2017, are at least acting like idiots.

Unite the Right rally violence

I’ll support that statement in four ways:

Number 1. Our society’s deceptive use of language, and level of conversation, has plummeted to embarrassing depths.Pride

Here is a small excerpt from the “Federalist Papers” number 10, written by James Madison and published November 29, 1787:

A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, concerning government, and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for preeminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to co-operate for their common good. So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual animosities, that where no substantial occasion presents itself, the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and excite their most violent conflicts. But the most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property. Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society. Those who are creditors, and those who are debtors, fall under a like discrimination. A landed interest, a manufacturing interest, a mercantile interest, a moneyed interest, with many lesser interests, grow up of necessity in civilized nations, and divide them into different classes, actuated by different sentiments and views. The regulation of these various and interfering interests forms the principal task of modern legislation, and involves the spirit of party and faction in the necessary and ordinary operations of the government.  

…The inference to which we are brought is, that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS.”

Now, who in public life today thinks and talks like that?

Here, by way of comparison, is some of our current President’s writing (unedited and in full):

Written by Donald Trump on May 8 2013: “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure,it’s not your fault

And another, perhaps more famous writing by the same person 31 May, 2017 said, in its entirety and verbatim, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe

Number 2. We know everything about stupid stuff, and nothing about important stuff.

Allen IversonHow much do I need to elaborate here? How many men can quote baseball stats back to ‘ought-five, yet can’t name our Vice President? How many women read thousand-page romance novels hours on end, and say they “don’t have time” to read the US Constitution (it takes about an hour)? Our kids lack basic life skills even after spending a quarter of their lifespan in classrooms.

Number 3. We’d never hire anybody else the way we hire politicians.

Let’s say you need to hire a janitor. But instead of reading applications, calling people in for interviews and checking references, you just sit back and see who puts up the best yard signs, billboards and TV ads. You’re not looking for qualifications in the conventional sense. No; you’re looking for the best odd$; you’re looking for who’$ got $upport.  You sure don’t want to hire somebody who “doesn’t have a chance,” right?  Ideology, principles, and certainly truth don’t matter, it’s the Show that counts.KeatingFive

“Give me the keys to your building and relax,” says one candidate, “I’m the Janitor You Can Trust!” Another candidate has run a great ground game, handing out literature and freebies to your other employees, with the slogan “Make Janitorial Services Great Again!”

There are lots of other candidates, of course; but all your interest goes to only the two Major Janitorial Candidates. The media tell you that you’d be a fool to waste your choice on other candidates, no matter their superior abilities and references, because the Major Janitorial Candidates are…well…they’re Major.

(oh, and they also contribute a large percentage of the media’s ad revenue)

When everything else these days can be “nonbinary,” only your choice of candidates must be from only the two given to you by who exactly?

Interestingly, you never ask where all the money comes from for the expensive campaign materials and professional managers. If you exercised any curiosity at all, you’d realize that the people spending millions of dollars to get a job that pays a salary pittance have other reasons to get access to your building and all that’s inside.

We don’t think about anything else the way we think about politics.  I only wish I had as much faith in my “religion” as people have in their political idols.  I only wish I could be so lackadaisical in my daily life as we are with the power of money, police, prisons, spies and war.

Number 4. We have collectively and intentionally rejected that functional system of moral civil behaviors called “culture.”

CultureNo, what we call “multiculturalism” isn’t a culture – it’s divisiveness in the pretense of enlightenment. A functional culture doesn’t require an official, uniform religion, style of speech, dress, food or customs.  But it does require some basic commonality and uniformity in rules of behavior, consequences, methods of conflict resolution, and,  importantly, letting a stack-up of cars pass on the left instead of plugging your big fat black Cadillac Escalade with Hillary bumper stickers in the left lane matching speed with the blue Prius in the right lane going east on Hwy 46 toward Bloomington at 8mph BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT …for example.


I’ve for decades fought our corrupt political scheme; which is based entirely upon Special Deals for Special People.  But that corruption is just a reflection of our corrupt civilian culture.

Instead of looking for common ground, we’ve obsessively divided ourselves into opposing factions of LGBT versus straight, socialist versus fascist (as if either’s any !@#$ good at all), male versus female, poor versus middle class, and…more than at any time since I was just a kid…black versus white.

Antifa Portland

Do we not all want peace, prosperity, freedom and maybe a little love? Do we really LIKE the fearful, violent, hateful posture we’ve instead chosen?

Maybe we do prefer hate. I was recently told that because I’m a white Protestant male (a “WASP;” the West’s most reviled, and even self-loathing, minority), I should not even be allowed to speak.


So, you may think I’m about to propose a solution.

Sadly, no.  There is no solution to idiocy other than humility, and its beloved companion, accountability.  But that is a rare and precious thing.  It hardly ever happens in significant numbers.

America, as a culture, needs to realize that it’s being an idiot, and snap out of it.

But what are the odds of that actually happening?  Maybe not odds, actually, but conditions.  We’ve probably all read that “…all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  Maybe we’re still too comfortable.  That WILL change…and pretty soon, I suspect.  Probably within the next ten years.  Maybe sooner.

I of course hope We The People will have a collective epiphany, and back away from the self-obsessed, hateful, prideful, self-destructive madness we’ve chosen, and plot a new course that in some way incorporates at least a little peace, prosperity, and (is it too much to ask?) freedom.

My hopes have always exceeded my expectations.


Droning Muslims, and the Golden Rule

If all humans lived by the Golden Rule, there’d be nothing like what we call, “civil government.”

We have kings and bureaucrats and jails and armies for two main reasons:
1. Because some percentage of us behave badly.
2. Because we think that politics will somehow fix that.

Of course, there is not now, nor was there ever, a government that operated on the Golden Rule.  Governments are always, to some degree, corrupt. And that is because people (including politicians, of course) misbehave, all power is inherently for sale, and government is nothing but delegated violence.  

It’s force.  It’s the threat and use of violence, imprisonment, fines and death. That’s why a small corrupt government is much, much better than a big corrupt government.

charlie-brown-footballYou’d think that since human governments have a 100% failure rate, we’d have learned this by now. But we humans are a surprisingly dumb species. We tend to self-destruct in ways that make great movies, but bad reality.

So, let’s consider our current situation with the Islam that we long ago militarized for our own purposesmonetized for our own purposes, gave good cause to unite where before it kept itself divided against itself, and now consider our enemy.

Wait… Before that… let me interject one more line of thought:
The only people who ever threatened to kill me, personally, were USA Americans (no, not Mexicans, not even Canadians).  One was a black man who claimed I shouldn’t live in a black neighborhood.  But several were red-blooded Tea Party folk who said I should burn in hell for running against their Republican Savior.

The only people who tell me what I can do, can’t do and must do are USA citizens.   It’s my fellows who take away my dwindling freedoms, take my money, tell me what I can do with what little I can keep, and make sure that I know that whatever it is I think I own (including my life), will be taken away if I don’t follow their rules.

It’s my fellow Americans who divide us into three classes for the purposes of rights, privileges, electoral access, and in courts:

1. Rich People,

2. Democrat/Republicans and their cronies,

3. All the rest of us poor suckers who believe their promises and keep reelecting the people of classes 1 and 2. 

And it’s been only my fellow Americans who’ve lied and lied and lied to me about why we’ve been at war forever

With_Lawrence_in_ArabiaOK, so, back to Muslims, the North Koreans, Russians, or whoever our rabid Fear-Aggression Syndrome makes us see as the enemy du jour:
They think they’re right, too, you know. They’re convinced that their corrupt, self-destructing political scheme is right, and we’re the bad guys. And they’re not living by the Golden Rule any better than we are.
Are they our enemy?

Sure they are.
Who isn’t?
Just as hammer sees everything as a nail, a government, or by extension to the root…a human, sees everything outside its limits of power as a threat.

Even within our borders we make enemies of white men, Jews, gays, Democrats, Republicans…or people who aren’t gay Jewish white Democrats or Republicans. We’ve been dividing and subdividing against ourselves for so long that we feel we must tighten the cliques in order to defend them against all outsiders.

But this is why we suffer discord, fear, and violence.
We have politics because of our discord, fear and violence. 

And governments thrive and depend upon discord, fear and violence. Governments tend to stimulate and amplify that discord, fear and violence because that means more power and money for the individual politicians and cronies who comprise governments…

But hasn’t our own government, our own society, become a vastly greater threat to our personal freedom, health, security and prosperity? Shouldn’t we address this before we go picking fights with others?

Here’s what I recommend:
The Golden Rule.
TheEnemyExemplify the peace, freedom, prosperity and security that’d flow from better behavior – both personally, and then reflected in our governance (our government is, after all, just our reflection, our avatar, our sins amplified).

To whatever degree we do The Golden Rule, our debts, intrusions, deceits and aggressions would diminish, and everything else would get…better.  Other people would see that what we’re doing is working, and maybe try to emulate that to some degree.

Would that be so bad?
I’m not saying that we don’t have to go blow up half the world. Maybe we do. Maybe we’ve been equipping, funding, training and motivating enemies so well and for so long that now we really do have to unleash all the hell we’ve been summoning before it eats us up first.


But how about we try to do at least a little of what we say we’re all about, first?