WEF and TNI – The REAL “Threat To Democracy”

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate
January 3, 2024

Freedom, IndianaAndrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

How much more obvious can it be, that a global cartel of elitist Malthusian eugenicists bent on depopulation and global domination, are well on their way to destroying our nation?  Well, it’s not obvious at all to people who know only what they’re told.  For that we can thank the “Trusted News Initiative” (TNI).

The information of the people at large can alone make them safe, as they are the sole depositary of our political and religious freedom.” – Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 1810.

“…wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” – Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, 1789.

Today, most of us understand that our government is corrupt.  Even our leftist media agree that evil things have been done under and behind the USA flag in the past (they just won’t concede that it’s happening today).  Most people at least sense that we’re in big trouble – cultural, as well as monetary, military, legal and fiscal.  We’re already suffering the effects of disastrous politics, authoritarian mismanagement and debt from the current and past administrations. But it’s been a slowly ratcheting problem that we don’t seem to notice as we should.  And, as it says in our Declaration of Independence, “…mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  So most of us still vote for the unconstitutional crony system of bundlers, lobbyists, kingmakers, partisan staffers, bureaucrats and industrialists we call “The Two Party System.”

Since the WEF’s founding in 1971, accelerating since the late 1980’s, and becoming a juggernaut since 2012 (particularly with the creation of COVID 19 “opportunity” – their words, not mine), the few rich and influential WEF elite have been effective in leveraging their nightmarish vision of techno-totalitarianism through most of the world’s governments.  While the WEF websites no longer use the UN’s Agenda 2030 logo or clearly state specific agenda points, these literal fascists (by Mussolini’s definition – the bundling/morphing of corporatism and socialism) do clearly aim to take all we have (rights, property, opportunity), and give it to their corporate cronies.  That much is not “conspiracy theory.”  It is the WEF’s publicly stated objective of “public-private partnerships” and “stakeholder capitalism.”

Pouring accelerant on this cultural conflagration, the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) – a cartel of ideologically authoritarian tech/ information/ entertainment corporations, not only control most of what we can search, read, see and hear, but also crush alternative viewpoints and people through character assassination, lies and misinformation.  This also is not “conspiracy theory.”  It is the TNI’s publicly stated objective to monopolize and control information and sources.  And their coordinated, even lockstep actions, have already led to catastrophic economic, legal, monetary system and human life damage. 

Our government has concealed huge murderous conspiracies for sometimes decades…the radiation, drug and disease experiments on citizens, soldiers, inmates and children, for example.  The still-dubious JFK assassination investigations.  Or the second day of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and “weapons of mass destruction” that were our rationalizations for wars.  Now they’ve redefined and selectively applied words like “insurrection” to warp the effect of laws and courts to their partisan whims.  And of course there’s what we’re only gradually finding out about the dubious safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines, treatments, lockdowns and masks, as well as the origin of the virus itself –from only alternative media sources. 

Eisenhower warned of not only the “military-industrial complex,” but also “the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite sixty-three years ago.  Just three months later, JFK warned of “secret societies and the danger of government secrecy.  Our FBI, CIA and NSA have a horrible history of crime, violence and lies.  Many of our most respected media, like the New York Times, have a long history of destructive deceit.  How much more can be concealed from us should the TNI succeed in squashing all alternative thoughts and media?    

Of course I wish success to RFK Jr. and his anti-trust suit against the near-monopoly on communication and freedom to speak.

But ultimately, We The People are in charge of everything.  We outnumber the ruling class millions to one; and everything that happens is by our obedience and paying/working participation, if not consent.  However, our incorporated rulers have turned us against ourselves, and our culture is rapidly crumbling.  Things will change; either by our deliberate actions, or in slackjaw surprise when it all comes down around our ears.

We can fix this, and it wouldn’t take “the masses” too many invoke as rationalization for “lesser evil” voting.  We don’t have to buy what they’re selling us.  We can at the very least do to this unelected corporatized ruling class, what we did to Bud Light. 

More significantly; if we’re ready to see the unconstitutional Two Party System we were warned against for what it is – an inherently divisive, and wholly-owned puppet of corrupt shadow powers – we can turn this nation, and maybe the world, back onto the path toward peace, prosperity, security, liberty and justice for all, with only a little more than a third of us.  And 34% of us would certainly be 33.99999999etc% more democratic, legal, fair, and much more sustainable representation than we’ve got now.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


“’Relighting the Torch’ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJ46CHG5 

We need to relight the torch of liberty

Freedom, IndianaJuly 24 2023, Andrew Horning, seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024, made the following statement:

Ours is not a free nation.  We do not have constitutional rule of law.  This is not a republic.  We have no cohesive sense of justice or law, and we have no plan for either peace, or war.  Our nation certainly doesn’t embody our founders’ best ideas, or follow its foundational principles or laws.  Our government is so corrupt it is more accurate to call it a crony crime ring puppet show than anything like legitimate government.  And, by now, most of us know it.

Yet we are so inundated with lies and gaslighting in overt chest-pounding tribalism, that We The People are, as a collective culture, effectively paralyzed in hopelessness, fear, anger and partisan contempt.  Some of us, sadly, are radicalized to militancy by the lies disgorged from our elected officials, media, entertainment, information and education systems.

Worse, we’re denied information that would certainly change our attitudes, viewpoints, and critically, choices on Election Day.  Cover-ups are worse than lies.  As a Libertarian candidate for office, I’ve experienced how lack of coverage is vastly worse than even the most insulting, deceitful reporting.  With lies and bad information, at least we’re given something to think about, look into, and judge for ourselves.  We can’t judge what we can’t even see – not even in shadows or false images.

Just one example is the blinders we wear about vaccines since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, that transferred all liability for injury, from vaccine manufacturers, to taxpayers, and created a vast system of bad science, damaging vaccines, political corruption and global secrecy, as well as catastrophic damage to our herd immunity and overall health, that’s only worsening over generations.

The good news, and bad news, is that we chose this.  Around 90% of us, both voters, and those who let others choose for them, chose all of this, and keep choosing it.  That 90% won’t choose anything else.  This is bad because we’ve been choosing badly, and we’re only beginning to feel the results of our collective and transgenerational errors.  On the other hand that’s good, because in proving we had the power to mess it up, we should be able to see that we have the power to choose better.  And that’s very good because some truth is starting to leak out, against all the efforts of our political information machinery.

We have the power of peaceful revolution.  We can tear down this unconstitutional, inherently divisive and destructive, self-appointed and surprisingly recent “Two Party System” on a single day.  …If we want to.

My job, as a candidate, is to offer that choice on the ballot, and in print.  I am doing that.  The next move is yours.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana



“’Relighting the Torch’ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJ46CHG5  

Tuì Dǎng – Right here, right now.

For Immediate Release
Andrew Horning, Libertarian candidate for IN08
11 August, 2022

Freedom, IN – There is a growing movement in China called 退党, or tuì dǎng, which means, “to withdraw from a political party,” or specifically today, to leave the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

There should be no need to say why tuì dǎng is a good thing in today’s dysfunctional, violently oppressive China. The Chinese people have suffered long enough. But there should also be no reason to detail why such a movement is needed here in the USA.

All of us know that the self-appointed, anti-constitutional, divisive and spiteful “Two Party System” that our founders warned against, is a hot mess. We should be done with the increasingly obvious lies, partisan attacks, militarization of unelected bureaucracies, and all the corruption we were warned about by George Washington, through Eisenhower, JFK, and all the wisest people since 1776.

Who isn’t sick of the embarrassing collusion and tribalism inherent in only two choices? In what other realm of natural or human choice would only two options be tolerated anyway? More to the point, actually, there have never been only two choices! Not legally, or even practically, since there are today hundreds of elected Libertarians in the USA, just for example. We’re only told that there are only two choices by the entrenched crony parties themselves, and their servant media. This has to stop!

There have already been many minor movements away from each of the two puppet parties, and the old media. “Blexit,” “Never Trumpers,” and innumerable fractious factions are already dividing the parties into more siloed factions. It’s time to finish the job, and tear down the whole Two Party System canard.

It’s destructive, no sane human likes it, and it’s going to end – either by rational choice, or in slackjaw surprise when red and blue waves finally sweep away all that was good of western culture.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See “Eight Steps to Success” at https://wedeclare.wordpress.com/2017/12/15/eight-steps-to-success/


They Crossed the Rubicon

For Immediate Release, October 31, 2016

Contact: Andrew Horning

They Crossed the Rubicon

lucy-charlie-brown-footballFreedom, IN – What is human history but a litany of warnings? How many cassandric founders, US Presidents and activists warned us about the advancement and corruption of political/crony power against individual human rights?

Throughout all the human history we know, the default human state – the human norm, has been oppression, slavery, genocide and war. Liberty and justice have always been rare exceptions.

Throughout most of our history, and still today, most of “the media,” in whatever form reporters have existed, have been the mouthpiece of power and tribe; agents of propaganda rather than honest town criers.

I thank God for the chaotic angel called Wikileaks. But Wikileaks isn’t enough.

We find out about new “civil” police military tools and techniques (like bomb-bots!) only after they’re used. We learn about the effects of usurpation and trespass like the 2012 NDAA only after fully implemented and working against us.

In electoral politics today, being right is no advantage and being wrong is no demerit.

But you may want to look into my history of being right as I tell you that this is the truth: Our nation is in very, very serious trouble – the kind that people will some day look back upon, and shudder.

We could fix all this.  We could live in peace, prosperity, security, liberty and justice…for all.

TheEnemyBut that would mean a very revolutionary change of heart, mind, and action.  No, not in the hearts and minds of our politicians…in us.

I pray for that change every day.  You should too; or pray that I’m wrong about what always comes next.

Liberty or Bust!

Andrew Horning

Facebook www.facebook.com/HorningForCongress/

Campaign Twitter www.twitter.com/HorningCongress 

Blog https://wedeclare.wordpress.com/

Website http://andrewhorning.wix.com/horningforcongress



We need to know the rules

I think we should meet at 11:30-11:45am on the east steps of the Statehouse in Indianapolis to get ourselves composed and our story unified.  I don’t know how many want to speak, but let’s do our best to make it only a few, and make it brief.  It’s never good to give too much rope to the media when they get to determine who, or what, gets hanged.

Who: Citizens who want to know the rules

What: Asking the Governor to do his job, as written

When: July 4, 12:00 noon

Where: East steps of the Statehouse, Indianapolis, IN

We need to know the rules

Freedom, IN – The time is long past when we could fuss about “big government” versus “small government;” or about raising or lowering taxes. Even war versus peace, or freedom versus oppression are irrelevant abstractions right now.

We need to know the rules. We need to see them in print so we can judge infractions, or whether they’re even rules, as opposed to excuses. We need to know that our rules will be rules long enough to start a business, plan a retirement, or raise a family. We’ve lived for too long without this simple, foundational understanding on how we humans are to get along.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse? Nobody knows the laws that we’re supposed to live by! Nobody could. It’s debatable, in fact, whether we have any laws at all out of the billions of contradictory word-strings woven into the incomprehensible and corrupt tangle that our judges, lawyers, bureaucrats and other politicians call “laws.”

None of their words apply equally to all. None are enforced as written. All of us know that our tribal, crony lawlessness is corrupt, immoral and destructive to our society’s peace, prosperity and life. It is madness. And history shows that our lot will grow much worse if we don’t come to our senses very soon.

It is the heart of sanity to establish simple rules by which we can live. The most basic justice demands that these rules apply equally to all. It’s only reasonable that these laws must be knowable by all.

So this is what we’re asking for: rules that are few enough that everybody can know them; simple enough that everybody can understand them; and important enough that all of these rules must be obeyed equally by everybody all the time.  And we’re fine with the rules (the real rules) that are already written, already proven to work, and already the Law of the Land.


Where are Samaritans when you need them?

I’ve had it with “religious leaders” spewing socialism.

If Satan has a Bible, I’m sure this is in it: that people should, with all the best intentions, delegate their own, personal role on earth, to politicians.

Where in the Bhagavad-Gita, Torah, Tipitaka, Bible or Koran could you find such evil sophistry?

Universal Healthcare isn’t charity – it is putting a gun to your neighbor to make him do what you won’t do yourself. Social Security isn’t caring for your mother – it’s the hole you personally push her, and your children, into to assuage guilt and allay fears. And you already know that “Homeland Security” has nothing to do with peace and liberty, right?

Our nation’s founders intended that citizens should defend themselves; not just against petty criminals, but against all enemies, foreign…and domestic, as citizen militias. They intended that our churches and voluntary associations, working without the armed aggression of politics, would comprise the departments of Health, Education and Welfare, so that the abstract and erratic junkyard dog we call “politics” would stay in the junkyard, restrained by the tall fence we call Rule of Law.

All of this required that individual citizens, personally, serve the needs of their neighbors; and that we remember, with cold chills, the true history and nature of politics, and people.

Imagine a man was just starting his Corvette after a sales call in northwest Houston, when he was beaten, stripped and left for dead where his car used to be. A TV preacher saw the man, and noted that he really should call 911, but this gave him a sermon idea, so he hurried on. A well-regarded politician saw the man, and said, “dang, I sure don’t want to be seen with a naked man!” And so he also scurried on. But a Mexican, fresh over the fence and scared, hauled the man into his rusty Corolla, took him to the hospital, and even gave his contact information to the ER admitting staff, just if he could be of any help at all, or could pay in any way, for the man’s care.

Who should we emulate? Are there any lessons, in any religion, that tell you otherwise?

Being President Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry

What if I were to say to my justifiably angry, insulted and hurt wife, “I could have calibrated those words differently”??

What if I were to saunter into work six hours late after hosing up a multimilliondollar project and call it a “teachable moment” for all Americans?

Oh for crying out loud.   Is it so hard for a President to simply say “ I screwed up and I’m sorry?”

The constant twisting of words, arrogance, continual and prideful invocation of his office should convince us, once and for all, that Barack Obama is just another politician.   No different from the previous one, or two, or six.

He is not “The One.”   He is not our “Saviour” or any other lofty abstraction publicly applied to this Chicago machine tool.   He is no better than the least of us.

…Except, of course, that this man has access to armies, cops and nuclear weapons.  And he likes using force and intimidation to get what he wants.

We should humbly, seriously reflect on that.

In fact, this really should be a teachable moment for all Americans.  We should wonder out loud and with our friends; not just why his mistakes are America’s lesson, but also why the violent, failure-doomed ideology of Nero, Stalin, Hitler and Che is “cool.”  Why do bumper stickers, logos and banner waving, cheering crowds of young people promote oppression?  How did hip young people, within just a generation or two, transmogrify their ideology from the 60’s-70’s mistrust of power and armed agents of government, into today’s violent disarmament of citizens to make them submit under authoritarian rule? 

How did that get cool? 

How did the totally voluntary interactions between adults in a free market become a bad thing, while the inherently armed aggression of politics is …hip?

Words are powerful.  Obama knows that.  That’s why he almost never uses any real words; and instead butters our ears shut with fairy-dusted snot.   It was an accident that he actually said something of meaning.

The inconveniencing of his elite friend raised emotions in this typically cold creature, and he said something revealing.  

Words send armies to war.  Words heal bruised feelings.  Words comfort the frightened and frighten the wise.   It’s insidious necromancy that “government” sounds good when it’s the same thing as “politics;” which we all know sounds bad.

Pseudo-smart young kids think that (often because they’re taught to) it’d be cool if “government” were to take a role in every aspect of business, education, health and welfare.   But who’d think it’d be so swell if “bickering and corrupt politicians” were to get their mitts on those things?  This isn’t just words we’re playing with – it’s oppression, slavery, genocide and war we’ve made into catchy slogans.

It’s time for some idol-smashing.   Look hard at that man we’ve elected to be the savior of humanity.   Look hard at the history of “In Politicians We Trust.”  

The collection of swaggering elitists who’ve been both law-breaking and dead-wrong about everything they’ve said for over a hundred years shouldn’t be called “experts” and “your honor.”   They should be called the criminals and liar-fools they are and dealt with accordingly.

Or, what the heck?   Maybe we should all act like that.   Maybe we just keep ignoring the blossoming of crime and injustice we’ve been ignoring for decades (admit it; you’ve ignored the headlines of human traffic/slavery and exploding corruption, rape and murder), and just go with the examples set from the top.   Never say you’re sorry.   Never admit anything, in fact.   Try to never say what you mean or mean what you say.   Make horrible plans that you know are stupid and can’t happen, and watch them come true before your eyes!  

And then, above all, forget about “please” and “The customer comes first.”   It’s every man for himself and Rule Of Tyrants instead of Rule Of Law.   Yee haw!   Grab your guns and leave morality behind; we’re all politicians now!

Maybe I have finally figured out why the bumper stickers say “Power of Pride” instead of, “how about some humility?”  Maybe I more fully understand why we train our kids to be confident instead of competent.

Sheesh.  What have we become?

Here’s the plan

It should now be apparent that for the past hundred years our own government, or, rather, the lobbyists, bundlers, partisan staffers, unelected bureaucrats, NGOs, INGOs, corporate cartels, puppet masters and kingmakers actually running our government (as we’d been amply warned), has advanced a campaign of theft and violence against us on the canard that it’s for “the common good,” and to assuage our many fears of bad guys both foreign, and domestic.  Flying in the face of this commonly believed fib is the easily observed fact that we have not solved any problems at all despite worsening taxation, prohibitions, loss of freedom, and of course, endless wars.  

We’ve not had a year’s peace since the War to End All Wars.  Surely the “war on…” drugs, poverty and homelessness have been busts.  With the FDA’s suppressive power we have more “snake oil” con men and dangerous, counterproductive drugs than ever…and that’s getting worse.  We are working longer hours, taking fewer vacations and spending less time with our children than just thirty years ago.  Shockingly, there are probably at least 150 thousand actual slaves (not tax serfs – actual chained-to-the-worktable, arrived-in-shipping-containers slaves) in the USA right now.  The CIA estimates that 50000 slaves travel into or through the USA each year.  Human trafficking is up several hundred to a thousand percent in just the past ten years!  …And politicians dangle “reparations” like a hypnotic charm over past slavery, when we’re doing nothing about the slavery TODAY!  …With the USA the world’s biggest market for child trafficking, even.  Mon Dieu!  

We are less secure and less free than ever.  We have immeasurably more crime and corruption, less access, less control over our lives, and even our health statistics are tipping downward at a time of marvelous medical technology.

Why do we so numbly submit our lives, wealth and rights to a protection racket that does not protect?

We should not need more motivation.  I assume that if you’re reading this, you already know that something must be done. 

But not just any action will do, since history shows us nothing if not that humans mostly fail and rarely succeed; and that both success and failure is by invariable patterns set at least several thousand years ago.

So here is my summary of the problem and what’s to be done about it:

Problem: Politicians and their agents act in violation of all of the laws that protect us from them.

Solution: We must stop that.  Remember, they’ve also nullified the laws that protect them, from us.  Of course, our elections were intended as our Power of Peaceful Revolution, so that we don’t need to have that other kind.  

It really is that simple, and we have not even tried it.  Our attempts to strategize and pick apart our social disease into only marginally-related “pragmatic” bits have been counterproductive to the effect that we have so far divided and conquered …ourselves.  Democrats and Republicans who should ally against their common foe are instead locked in a battle over idolatry, deceit and ignorance.  We do not even expect our leaders to obey their oaths of office; nor, in most cases, do we have any idea what the oaths say, what they mean, or to what laws these oaths pledge obedience.  We must converge upon this solution- to demand Rule of Law under our existing state and federal constitutions…as written. 

Here is how, I am convinced, we must solve our problem.

  1. Read and completely understand your state and federal constitutions.  If you have questions about what you’re reading, I volunteer to help.  You should become confused when you first read these contracts.  I did.  I thought, “what the heck do these have to do with the way our government works today?”  Bingo.
  2. Do NOT bother to write letters, call your congresscritter, protest or hold press conferences about tax policy, the Fed, drug laws, public schooling or any other distraction or delegation of accountability.  Our problems are our problems.  Concentrate.  Think.  Every millimeter we give to our leaders becomes a mile.  We must not any longer allow them to divide us against ourselves with equivocal sub-issues and dubious solutions.  As long as politicians violate every law that protects us, we have no issue other than this: we cannot tolerate this anarchy, this ungoverned government.  We have one issue only: wrestle our lawbreakers down to the law…or fire them and all their supporting network of cronies and powerbrokers.
  3. Do employ every strategy, medium and means you can think of to address this problem: we must have Rule of Law under existing constitutions …as written.  If you have no idea what to do, ask, and I’d be happy to help.  But I’m betting you’ve already been doing things for lesser goals that’d be enormously helpful if directed toward Rule of Law under existing constitutions as written.  Go to meetings, talk to friends, whatever…use your mind and body and time in any ways that seem useful.
  4. DO NOT allow yourself to be divided against your allies and dragged into an argument about details when we must first address the basics.  Don’t even give the Second Amendment or Gay Marriage as an example of anything.  No matter how well-intended, it only allows people to pigeonhole and dismiss you.  STAY ON POINT: our politicians even admit that, in the words of Henry Hyde, the US constitution is “…inappropriate, anachronistic; it isn’t done anymore.”  You don’t need examples other than the admitted lawlessness of our politicians.  They arrogantly declare that they’ve snapped their leash!  This is unacceptable, and it’s time we say so.  Loudly, repetitively, and with pitchforks and flaming torches.
  5. Report back any observations, suggestions or whatnot that you think would help.  Report to all allies and friends in this cause.  Share ideas and experiences.  Let’s talk.  A lot.  It may not be so easy to communicate for much longer.  The CIA paid journalists to lie decades ago (Operation Mockingbird), and technology, under their control, will make it much easier to control what you hear and read.  Share truth now, while there’s still some visible.
  6. I have proposed various constitutional compliance timetables over the years.  Nine years ago, when I predicted we’d have ten years before The Big Trouble hits (and no, The Big Trouble hasn’t hit us yet because we bailed out the banksters.  We’d have been on the road to recovery after a smaller crash if we hadn’t done that; and you’d better hope I’m wrong about what’s coming in another ten or fifteen years) I’d said that we could offer ten years.  I don’t think we can do that now.  I’d love to hear discussion on this, but I now suggest that in our current crisis, with so many people hurting, that we demand government strips down to its constitutional skivvies within two years.  That means full by-the-written-word constitutional compliance.  No decoder keys, no fudge words from the bench, no cheating.
  7. Do you want a leader?  I’ll not shy away, but don’t miss my point: we have too many leaders, too many organizations, too much wasted money and time without converging on any common goal.  We must converge all our energies, passions and talents upon a single goal.  There are too few of us, and we have too little time to do anything else.

Be prepared that we may have to inviolate international treaties that, admittedly, are constitutional.  Such treaties have been increasingly used by the nefarious to destroy the constitutional design, and Obama is going gangbusters against us right now.  But other than these treaties, our leaders have no legal authority to fight back.  And by usurping our rights, stealing our property, shortening our lives and destroying our nation, they’ve relinquished all moral authority.  We’re right, they’re no more than criminals.

That is all.  Any questions? 

The media were right to dismiss our “Tea Parties”

I shouldn’t say “I told you so.”  So I’ll just say, instead, that being right has never done me any good at all.  In fact, it’s been a costly annoyance to both me, and to all my loved ones.  Being right is no advantage in the voting booth; it seems absolutely detrimental in electoral politics.  It’s no advantage in any way I can think of.  And it’s downright dangerous to be right when the government and its media are wrong.

I hope, in fact, that I’m desperately, completely and astoundingly wrong about what’s coming next.  I pray that I am very, very wrong.

So I’ll not say “I told you so” about all the warnings, predictions, admonitions and sermons I’ve written, spoken and kinetically harangued upon my friends in the ongoing battle for liberty and justice.  No, I will restrain myself by means of superhuman humility and magnanimous spirit…

But we should admit that the media got it right.  They have correctly portrayed the “tea party” hubbub, and the liberty movement in general as undirected, vague, and ultimately, pointless blather.

It pains me to say so, but my allies in liberty and justice are not just wasting their own time and money.  Rather they are destroying our combined credibility.  They discredit truth, and are, in effect, stealing from us all by spoiling the opportunity for those who’d do the right thing.

What is the right thing?  I’ve said it many times on these pages, but maybe it’s just too simple to comprehend.  Maybe it’s too basic to seem like a clever tactic or even a pragmatic first step.

We all have to agree to what it is that we want.  And there is only one thing that I am aware of that all of us actually want…Rule of Law under existing state and federal constitutions as written.

We’re out of time for all this fooling around.  We must stop thinking of tactics and games.  We must stop thinking of others as our enemies when we need no enemy other than ourselves.  We will never convince others of anything as long as we are ourselves such doddering fools that we can’t articulate for the media just what the heck it is that we want.

Before I go and say again what it is that we should be doing, here’s the setup:

“The media” are not anything other than people.  While these particular people tend very strongly toward soviet-style authoritarianism, it’s not their ideology that causes us problems.  It’s the usual human laziness, mental weakness and idolatry that plagues us all.  Like us, they worship celebrities and disparage those who attempt to become one, and fall back to earth.  They kick such people.  Trust me. 

They love excitement, but see it in all the wrong places (sports, celebrities…and weather).  And like the rest of us, it takes the firm administration of a baseball bat to make them change their ways. 

So when you get a microphone in your face, “the media” will try to label you as quickly and dismissively as possible.  If you offer ten minutes of Patrick Henry-like rhetorical brilliance, they’ll air the one point at which you stumble and say, “ummm…”  If you speak convincingly about something they don’t understand or don’t like (Rule of Law under existing constitutions as written), and offer, for example, income tax, you’ll be dismissed as a “tax protester,” and nobody will ever hear what you said about the constitutions, or the sweetness of politics on a leash.

This last point is my whole point.

We must, immediately and without any waffling, converge on a single message and deliver it without any side trips, divergence, hesitancy or missteps.  We must simply, firmly, passionately yet reasonably present the demand that politicians, policemen and soldiers keep their oaths to the laws that protect us from them.  They must obey the written constitutions, as written.  No “interpretation” from the bench, no caveats, provisos, ifs, ands or buts.

You must not protest government spending, taxation, or even overt oppression.  Do not mention Ron Paul, though this is his cause too.  Don’t talk about central banking or “The Fed.”  You must not write letters, campaign or speak to neighbors about the myriad symptoms presented by our collective social disease.  We must address only the disease.  Quit nibbling at branches; it’s time to strike the root.

What’s the root that we can all agree upon?

The existing state and federal constitutions are still the best, most practical, most proven, most fair and just social contracts ever signed into law.  So let’s agree that these are exactly, and only, what we want.

We have easy communication now.  We can still move freely.

Do not assume that this will last much longer.  And most definitely do not assume that a “revolution” will get you what you want if you can’t even agree now what it is that you hope to accomplish with violence.  The hour is late, and our side is losing.  Your choice is not up to your enemies.  It’s all up to you.  Personally.  Right now.

John Stossel is an American Hero.

I wish I could be a tenth as effective as a Free Market missionary as is John Stossel.  Here is a video that you should watch with your kids, neighbors and coworkers.  It’s excellent.  You can also watch this 20/20 piece, “the Politically Incorrect Guide to Politics” as a six-part YouTube video.

Just do it.