Now that the Ugly Pageant is over, can we talk?

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

May 8, 2024

OK, “Primary Election” is over.  Can we talk now?

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

Our nation is in big trouble; for the first time in decades, and in more ways, and far worse, than ever.  The way we’ve been voting is not working.  What we’ve been told about critical things, is not true.  Our nation, and much of the world, is now led by a consortium of Malthusian eugenicist psychopathic elites, who make anti-USA agreements in foreign nations, strengthen our enemies.  They own and operate this inherently tribal and so-called “Two-Party System” as a puppet show, to divide us against ourselves, and divert our attention from what’s really going on.  I wish I was making that up.  But I’m not.

Yes, it is a puppet show.  The first opportunity to weed out the disobedient and attach the strings to candidates who’ll dance, is Primary Elections, which, as implemented in Indiana and most other states, are an unconstitutional, costly and taxpayer-supported, year-long promotion scheme for only the status quo crony parties, and the corrupting organizations that own and operate them.  Worse still, it’s during primaries that many voters decide their votes for the General Election. 

Alternative party candidates like me, who earn their place on the General Election ballot without taxpayer money, are not only excluded from the primary election ballot, we’re also denied the free media, and political advertising rates granted to only Democrats and Republicans…not to mention all the dirty corporate, NGO, INGO and elite money that attaches those puppet strings to the self-styled “Major Party Candidates,” who end up becoming incumbents until they die of mildew.  We shouldn’t keep re-electing this destructive corruption.  We should in fact be very suspicious of the candidates who make it through the costly and corrupting degradation.  But the media rarely even mention alternative candidates, and there are rarely any public debates or forums, until early voting has already started, when over a quarter of us vote, without ever hearing there’s easy opportunity for change.

That said, 2024’s damnable primary election is now done, and we need to talk, and there’s not much time.  We The People really do need to talk…about our collapsing money, economy and culture, on the eve of WWIII, that is by easily available facts, the result of our collective compliance, inaction, and votes. 

This is much simpler than we’ve been led to believe.  We The People have all the power, because we have the numbers, the voices, and even the money and working hands that make, buy, sell, and empower, everything.  And every Election Day, we still have the Power of Peaceful Revolution.  Yes, election fraud is a thing, but we could fix that, too, if we really wanted to.  We have no excuses.  You know the saying, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me?”  Are we still fooled?  Are we hurting enough yet to change our choices, and thus change the world? 

The most timely, actionable words of our once-precious Declaration of Independence are, “…that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

We’ve been repeatedly warned about that “same Object,” by heroes like General Smedley Butler, Presidents like Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy, and all the wise people in between and after; yet we did not heed.  So now, many of us are needlessly suffering.  We’re told it’s our duty to vote, but too few of us know what our vote is for.  (Hint: it’s not to hire politicians).  Too few voters are even looking for alternatives, though most now say they want them.  Most people say they’re sick of the so-called “Two Party System.”  But alternatives have always existed in and around every one of us.  Alternatives have always been on the ballot.  We’ve never actually had a Two-Party System.  That’s been yet another of many lies that we should never have believed.  You can see that the primaries have innumerable candidates of highly varied ideology and beliefs, and can win with less than a quarter of the vote; yet we’re told we must have only two choices on the day that really counts?

Our constitutional design for a republic is still the newest and best thing in politics.  It’s a design for self-government; which cannot be delegated away.  Only We The People can fix this, and only by changing our choices and actions.  More simply, nothing gets better until we fire the crony network ruling class, and elect new guards for our future security.

We’ve seen that with more than two choices on the ballot, winners don’t need 51%, so blaming “the masses” is no excuse to keep re-electing what we’ve got.  Enough of us want more freedom, prosperity, security and justice, with less spying, lying, war and cultural collapse, that Libertarians should have won even more than the 12 races won in Indiana elections in 2022.  We would win many, many more in 2024, if people would just vote the way they talk.

Do you want the kind of politicians with a plan that most say they want from their party?  I’m here.  There are lots of us, ready and waiting.  Let’s talk, please.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

The case for (peaceful) revolution

For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

January 12, 2024

The case for (peaceful) revolution

Freedom, IndianaAndrew Horning is seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

With Larry Bucshon soon exiting, stage left, A good friend and longtime GOP D.C. insider said I should run in the GOP primary for Indiana’s 8th district seat.  I was briefly tempted.  Truth be told, I’ve voted in the two requisite GOP primaries, and I’d love to get paid for what I do at personal cost anyway.  I won an election as a Republican, and a high percentage of the finest people I know, are Republicans.  So it is with respect to the opinions of my friends that I declare the causes which call for revolution, instead of continued capitulation to the status quo.

The whole inherently corrupt, unconstitutional, fraudulent Two Party System is a puppet show distraction from the legions of bureaucrats, bundlers, kingmakers, puppet masters and authoritarian NGOs, INGOs, corporations and billionaires who’re actually running the world.  That’s of course unconstitutional, as well as fraudulent, thieving, and mass murderous.  And those movie-ready supervillains are doing a terrible job of ruling the planet.  …How terrible?

Through the last forty years, fertility and birth rates have dropped.  Early puberty for girls, and halved testosterone and sperm count for boysExplosion in autism spectrum disorders.  Exploding chronic disease and the very visible problem of obesity and metabolic syndrome in even our very young.  More recently, a marked increase in “excess death” rates and lower life expectancyThe ominous, new, phthalate syndromeMental health issues, possibly including gender dysphoria.  We’ve gone from poisoning our own people, to funding the bioweapons research of the Chinese Communist PartyWe have a needless, corrupt, unconstitutional immigration crisis.  We’re on the edge of another World War, just as we’re about to experience a global monetary, fiscal/financial and cultural collapse that will make The Fall of Rome look like a lady’s gentle sneeze.

Since the mid-1990’s, I’ve ever-more-urgently protested, campaigned, written and publicly lectured against the corruption of our globalized, monopolized, corporatized, sold-out, blackmailed and bought government.  I’ve warned of the insidious growth of unelected cartel powers from the Fabian Society, Chatham House, Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, Trilateral Commission and, of course, the World Economic Forum which have enacted the techno-totalitarian plans of Malthusians to create a corporation-owned digital panopticon, and rob us of all we have.  I’m certainly not the only one who’s issued such warnings.  Starting with founding fathers and several later Presidents, we’ve been warned.  My last press release was about one of the last steps toward a techno-totalitarianism Eisenhower could only imagine when he coined the “scientific-technological elite” – silencing opposition and controlling information.

To cut to the crux – “The Government” as represented by the Two Party System we see on the ballot is hardly even relevant anymore.  Most “laws” aren’t written by elected lawmakers.They’re written, judged, executed and enforced by executive agency bureaucrats and cops…and that’s all illegal.  Even the laws passed by legislatures are mostly written by unelected staffers and of course lobbyists.  “Public-Private Partnerships” are a scam.  Corporations chartered, empowered and regulated by corporate laws are government entities, and are not private.  “Public” means politicians.  Corporations, NGOs, INGOs and IGOs ARE today’s government.  This is of course anti-democratic, anti-constitutional, illegal and illegitimate.

Maybe we’ve not yet suffered enough? We all should have read the words, “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomedin context. For too long, and through too much deceit, injustice and death, too many of us have emboldened and sustained what must end by our mindful choice, or in slack-jaw horror, violence and poverty.

We need a revolution.  We need to fire the whole system of corruption and fraud.  No politician can do that – only voters can.  And they can do that only by willfully, conclusively rejecting the whole crony network.

The good news is that we have the legal, peaceful power to accomplish this…in a single day, if we’re willing to look in the mirror and see the truth of how we got here.  All revolutions start in the mind, after all.  And it’d take only a little more than a third of us to change everything. It’s only the bad math of a “two party system“ that has us invoking “the masses“ for our “lesser evil“ choices. It’s the passionate few who’ve always determined the course of history – just as it’s only tiny handful of wealthy globalists calling all the shots today. And by all the recent data, we have the numbers – we need only vote the way we talk.

We can live together in peace, security, prosperity, liberty and justice for all.  We need only use our votes as weapons of revolution, as is their whole purpose. I intend to put exactly that peaceful, necessary revolution on the ballot for Indiana’s 2024 US Senate election.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

We need to relight the torch of liberty

Freedom, IndianaJuly 24 2023, Andrew Horning, seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024, made the following statement:

Ours is not a free nation.  We do not have constitutional rule of law.  This is not a republic.  We have no cohesive sense of justice or law, and we have no plan for either peace, or war.  Our nation certainly doesn’t embody our founders’ best ideas, or follow its foundational principles or laws.  Our government is so corrupt it is more accurate to call it a crony crime ring puppet show than anything like legitimate government.  And, by now, most of us know it.

Yet we are so inundated with lies and gaslighting in overt chest-pounding tribalism, that We The People are, as a collective culture, effectively paralyzed in hopelessness, fear, anger and partisan contempt.  Some of us, sadly, are radicalized to militancy by the lies disgorged from our elected officials, media, entertainment, information and education systems.

Worse, we’re denied information that would certainly change our attitudes, viewpoints, and critically, choices on Election Day.  Cover-ups are worse than lies.  As a Libertarian candidate for office, I’ve experienced how lack of coverage is vastly worse than even the most insulting, deceitful reporting.  With lies and bad information, at least we’re given something to think about, look into, and judge for ourselves.  We can’t judge what we can’t even see – not even in shadows or false images.

Just one example is the blinders we wear about vaccines since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, that transferred all liability for injury, from vaccine manufacturers, to taxpayers, and created a vast system of bad science, damaging vaccines, political corruption and global secrecy, as well as catastrophic damage to our herd immunity and overall health, that’s only worsening over generations.

The good news, and bad news, is that we chose this.  Around 90% of us, both voters, and those who let others choose for them, chose all of this, and keep choosing it.  That 90% won’t choose anything else.  This is bad because we’ve been choosing badly, and we’re only beginning to feel the results of our collective and transgenerational errors.  On the other hand that’s good, because in proving we had the power to mess it up, we should be able to see that we have the power to choose better.  And that’s very good because some truth is starting to leak out, against all the efforts of our political information machinery.

We have the power of peaceful revolution.  We can tear down this unconstitutional, inherently divisive and destructive, self-appointed and surprisingly recent “Two Party System” on a single day.  …If we want to.

My job, as a candidate, is to offer that choice on the ballot, and in print.  I am doing that.  The next move is yours.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana


“’Relighting the Torch’ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”  

What’s our REAL “existential crisis?”

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning

Horning for US Senate

June 29, 2023

What will we do when the CCP takes Taiwan?

Freedom, IndianaJune 29 2023, Andrew Horning, seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024, made the following statement regarding our dangerous, pivotal time:

After my decades of appeals through columns, Op-eds, protests and political campaigns, about the bipartisan (meaning only two unconstitutional parties), pandemic and destructive corruption of our government, I’m glad that at least a little of this existential problem is starting to emerge from behind the major media veil.  …At least with puppets like Biden, and bit-players like the FBI.

But the depth and length of our system-wide corruption has left us in a fragile, overextended, indebted, self-deceived and precarious state, at a very bad time.  Our collective inattention and torpor has caused a number of serious problems that need attention.  For example, the CCP is moving stepwise and relentlessly against Taiwan.  What are we going to do about it?

Ever since the Carter administration cancelled the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty (SAMDT) with Taiwan (formally the Republic of China – ROC), there has been no formal agreement to defend Taiwan from takeover by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that rules the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  Officially, since recognizing the PRC and de-recognizing the ROC in 1979, the USA supports a “One China” policy, with no regard toward the ROC’s existence as a sovereign nation.  NATO only unofficially treats the ROC as a “major non-NATO ally” as defined in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.  Ukraine was never given even this status by NATO, yet much of the world is assisting the legendarily corrupt Ukraine both financially and militarily in our insane proxy war against Russia.  And much of the world depends upon the ROC’s semiconductor industry for both civilian and military purposes.  Russia has been losing population, resources and strength for some time, while China has been very cleverly winning a war of subversion and dissipation against the USA since at least 2012.  Yes, China has lots of internal problems.  So does Russia.  And so do we.

However, the PRC wants Taiwan, and they mean to take it as their own.  What’s our calculus now?

Generations ago the USA abandoned Jefferson’s “peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”  It’s no secret that the USA is backing away from Social Security and Medicare obligations.  We are internally fragmented by a crony network veiled by the two-sock puppet show called the Two Party System.  We are nearly paralyzed in a cultural, psychological and moral hot mess that’s tearing even our families and societal support organizations apart.

It’s not true that the USA spent the USSR into collapse under President Reagan.  It is quite true, however, that we’re spending and spreading ourselves toward calamitous dissolution.  This will end badly, if we don’t control ourselves.

So, what can we do when the PRC takes the ROC?  We could collapse.  Empires always crumble.  Our endless asymmetrical wars and cultural disintegration have made us weak in ways we clearly do not see.

Maybe, we can do nothing.

We need national defense.  Not the global meddling with the CIA and regular military fighting each other worldwide that has become our literal stock in crony trade.  Real, serious, constitutional defense of what’s both important, and possible, even now.

Ask me how.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana


“’Relighting the Torch’ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”  

Cassandric Ruminations

When I shared this on Facebook after the tragically fumbled (but otherwise correct) withdrawal from Afghanistan, I wrote: “Well, #7 is a little less true today, even though we’ll still have wars going on once we’re finished blowing up charity workers in Afghanistan. Thanks, Joe!

But the others are much 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 true today.

What I thought was pretty funny when I said some of this two years ago, is less funny now.”

I should add, however, that the tribal rhetoric varies greatly depending on which tribe has the government’s keys. For example, Republicans talk a good story against spending, debt and the inherent inflation of the Fed’s money presses when the Democrats are in charge. And Democrats talk a good story against the anti-USA-citizen militarization of our government when Republicans are in charge.

And I should add a third #9 (or maybe a #11):
That THIS PARTICULAR ELECTION IS TOO IMPORTANT to vote for anything different.

Anyway, you can see that this is now tearing us up, apart, and down right now. Maybe it’s not yet too late to turn this around before this becomes history-making catastrophe. Maybe it is. But I sure wish we’d try…

The eBook is out…

The Truth about Excelsior is now available in both paperbackand Kindle eBook.
No, I’ve not yet heard about film rights, who might direct or star in the movie no doubt forthcoming.
CoversmallBut the significant news is that in both eBook and paperback, you can read “Far more than the usual fanciful tale of precocious children, fire-breathing dragons, disastrous monetary policy and World War.”
“‘The Truth about Excelsior’ offers a unique perspective on today’s cultural madness, and a glimpse into a world of peace, prosperity and …freedom.”

Let me know what you think of it.  If you like it, please leave a rating and review.

If you don’t like it, well, let me know what you think of it.


The TRUTH about Excelsior…on Amazon

My brother Greg published a book about three years ago.  I don’t think of myself as particularly competitive, but doggone it, I couldn’t let him beat me!  So I wrote one too.

He also has a website for both his book, and a bunch of stories from my mom (she wrote and illustrated some hilarious stuff).

…Anyway, The Truth about Excelsior is now available in paperback:

I don’t like the way it looks as an eBook, but I’ll likely publish that, too, in a couple of weeks or so.  It’ll be cheaper, of course.


But since some stuff gets lost in the eBook version, I’m resisting it as long as I can.

The blurb is, “Far more than the usual fanciful tale of precocious children, fire-breathing dragons, disastrous monetary policy and World War, “The Truth about Excelsior” offers a unique perspective on today’s cultural madness, and a glimpse into a world of peace, prosperity and …freedom.

I mean it to be fun, but you know me…I had to insert some serious stuff in there, too.

Anyway, let me know what you think of it…and if you like it, tell everybody, and leave a review!

Fearing our own shadow

The Land of The Free has been surrendering freedom hand-over-fist because the Home of The Brave is scared of its own shadow.  Almost literally, its own shadow.

wwii-rubbleWe’ve for generations been the arms dealer and political destabilizer to the world.  Our CIA and armed forces have interfered with elections and even violently taken down one dictator to prop up another for over seventy years.

Our government has lied about its wars, warmongering, entangling alliances and foreign interventions for much longer than that.  Our CIA and NSA have been spying on the whole world, including every person within our own borders, as well as prying into foreign elections (and our own) for long enough that it’s disingenuous to complain about foreign spies and foreign interference in elections…unless we claim we’re the only ones who’re supposed to do all that.

To everybody.

All the time.12362834_10153703528535280_3712867037536160998_o

Though China is certainly a strong contender – even with its fingers in our sock puppets – We The People are still the most heavily-armed, most globally nannying and bullying, domestically intrusive, imprisoning and militarized nation of all time.

It is our own shadows that both terrify and genuinely threaten us now, and, surprisingly, in the past, too.

You think our soldiers are fighting for freedom?   Which freedom?   How many freedoms must we lose to get that elusive freedom we’re fighting for?   At what financial/future security cost?   At what moral/social spiritual cost?

We have literally reordered and molded our society’s defense/military, monetary and legal and political structure to our collective trembling nerves.   Why?

While nobody ever says it exactly like this, the predominating justification for the USA’s violent, costly Fear-Aggression Syndrome is:

lucy-charlie-brown-footballOur past screw-ups necessitate today’s screw-ups.

Rational people can look at the USA’s past mistakes reasonably.  Our government made horrible, murderous, costly mistakes when it was far smaller, less powerful, less secretive, less snooping, and vastly less heavily-armed and militarized both globally, and domestically, than today.  But ironically, the closer we get to the present, the more wrong we call right, and the more we justify today’s wrong by yesterday’s wrong.

We all know that slavery and native genocide was bad.  Only the more educated among us know that the wars against Mexico and Spain were motivated by greed and desire for empire, and had nothing whatsoever to do with protecting American liberties and land.  But very few consider how Teddy Roosevelt stimulated the Empire of Japan and the USA helped create the Soviet Union, however, so we tend to think of WWII as a wholly Good War, where the USA wore white and saved the world for liberty and justice for all.

Bellamy2The point is that, the closer we get to the present, the more our views of USA government become disconnected from reality.
Even after we learned that the Vietnam War was justified on, at best, a screwup, we tend to think of USA government as a benevolent god of peace and love, incapable of wrongdoing (though we keep seeing new wrongdoing every day).

This is a freakishly weird phenomenon.  But it’s also the nature of tribalism and idolatry.  We love our team, and we hate the other guys.  We can’t see the wrong in our idols, teams, champions and leaders, but we know that the other peoples’ idols, teams, champions and leaders are pure evil.Testing football helmets, 1912

And it’s also just human: People of the past were THEM.  People of today are US.  We can easily admit that our ancestors did horrible, stupid things; but we sure don’t want to admit that, today, right now, WE are screwing up.  We’re blind to our own errors.

In other words, we see the past more clearly than the present.   And we see other sinners more clearly than we see ourselves.

So, as a result, we exemplify, even if unintentionally, the exact opposite of The Golden Rule.

This is self-immolation.   We have so many impending disasters of fiscal, social, monetary and military nature (will it be WWIII when China takes Taiwan and Russia takes Ukraine on the same day?), that we desperately need an epiphany and revolution of heart and mind.

You can’t be the Land of The Free if you’re not the Home of The Brave.   But no nation can survive at all with this kind of stupid.

The Truth about $#!+holes, and the people thereof

We’ve got “immigration” all wrong

I’m not an “open borders” libertarian.  And borderless anarchy isn’t possible with humans (see I Samuel 8:6-20).  So at least for some degree of control over communicable disease (we’ve been lucky so far), human trafficking, etc., we need to have some border security.  If you allow that you’ve got a political government, and other states/nations have theirs as well, there have to be borders and jurisdictional limits to politicians’ rules.  And I’m more about actual law and order than 99.999873% of the planet. 

So don’t get me wrong.

But our current problems aren’t with illegal aliens, immigrants, or any of the relevant and constitutional laws.

  1. We are luring illegal aliens here with free stuff. Free healthcare. Free education. Special rights, travel, phones, housing, privileges and immunities unavailable to even legal citizens.  There are lots of reasons why we’re doing it – More federal reps and EC electors for Democrats, certainly (since we count illegals in the census now).  And Social Security and Medicare pyramid funding is collapsing, y’know…we need a growing population to make the math last a few more years…but I propose we stop doing this.
  2. We’ve made “legal” labor so expensive, complicated, legalistic and impractical that “illegal” labor is a very attractive option, or sometimes the only workable option.  Some jobs just don’t get done with “legal” labor.  And especially where minimum wage laws push out others from the workforce – we need illegal aliens to pay payroll tax in low-wage jobs.  I propose we reverse this.
  3. We’ve been tormenting and destroying other nations with our “War On Drugs”, CIA crime rings and coups, oppressive policies/embargoes and direct attacks, such that We The People have, both directly and indirectly, made some $#!+holes that don’t need to be $#!+holes.  In other words, we’ve made other people’s countries practically uninhabitable, driving them here for survival…or more insidious purposes.  We really have made lots of enemies all over the world, y’know…and we’d already found “terror cells” and foreign agents operating here under our noses.  I propose we stop doing all this.
  4. Our ever-changing, unpredictable and absurdly unfair immigration laws and policies force illegal aliens to lay low, force employers to keep secrets and break laws, and generally force the realities of illegal aliens under the rug.  I propose we make our immigration laws and policies fair, consistent, and focused on our domestic security, health and interests…and then just enforce them!
  5. Do you know how hard it is for potential immigrants to get visas?  Pretty much impossible in any short-term or desperation case.  So smugglers make a great business getting tens of thousands of dollars for every person they get to the border illegally.  But if it were easier/faster to get visas, then the sort of people we want here, the ones who’re desperately wanting to build a better life for themselves and their loved ones, could hop a plane for tens of thousands less, go through controlled checkpoints with drug sniffing dogs and people wearing blue gloves, and go legit with the only part of this that’s actually under federal jurisdiction: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization…”  I propose we make it much easier and cheaper to come here the right way.  That’d welcome the good folks and put the squeeze on only the bad ones.
  6. There actually is, since the 14th Amendment, a constitutional stipulation that anyone born in the USA is automatically a USA citizen.  “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  So, really, there’s a powerful incentive for pregnant women to dive over the national goal posts to deliver a baby in the citizen end-zone.  It’s not their fault if they succeed.  However…  Think about how the rules of monitoring “documented” citizens and trans-border “security” would be enforced.  Given the sort of nazi/socialist/authoritarians we continuously re-elect, this could get really ugly.  “Your papers please” is already a problem.  Spying on us all is already a thing.
  7. Besides…if you know you live in a $#!+hole, can’t make it better, and want a better life for you and your loved ones, you’d be a fool not to find a way here, where you’ll find life better than you’ve ever known. Right?  Wouldn’t you do the same?

The first five bullets above exist only in breach of the federal constitution.  In other words, those problems would be solved if all we did was affirm and enforce the Constitution for The United States of America against our government. 

In other words, if we’d just quit making “legal” labor so costly, quit making illegal entry the only door, quit giving away freebies to illegal aliens, and stop messing up other countries, we’d not likely even talk about a wall. 

In fact if we were to just DO the constitutions, state and federal, as written and amended, we’d not likely be constantly fiddling with our immigration laws, and we might even legally, legitimately welcome people looking for a better life as our friends, coworkers and neighbors.

While The US of A is no longer the freest, wealthiest or healthiest nation on earth, we are among the most accommodating to foreigners.  Though, if we don’t get our side of the equation fixed, this whole thing really could explode on us…exponentially.  The Malthusian eugenicists of the WEF sure won’t like that…  Maybe none of us will like what happens with our devolving healthcare and collapsing “social safety net” systems.  Those are serious concerns.


Of course, if you’re just one of those “‘Merica – Love it or Leave it!” people, and that’s why you’re mad about this issue…you’ve got a little ‘splaining to do…

Sure, there are the “Reconquistas,” the criminals, the terrorists.  But their numbers have so far been tiny compared to the home-grown murderers, rapists and thieves (even outside the DC beltway); and their numbers are tiny compared to the regular human beings trying to do better for themselves and their loved ones.  They didn’t love what became of their country, and they left it.

The discussion we’ve been having over illegal aliens in major media and political discussions is stupid. We play word games, divide ourselves against ourselves, and place blame and propose punishment for our screw-ups on people who’re doing the best they can to get by in a world gone mad.

Think of the people you know that annoy or plague you the most. Think of the worst people you can think of.  Are they immigrants?  Illegal aliens?

Probably not.  Illegal aliens actually comprise a much lower per-capita percentage of crimes and criminals than native-born citizens represent.  Most don’t want trouble.  Most just want a better life than they had, and they get it here.

And here’s what’s apparently a secret:  This is not only a federal issue.  All border state constitutions claim authority over their borders.  Some other states do, too.  Federal jurisdiction in this is limited to that aforementioned “…uniform Rule of Naturalization…”  And we don’t even HAVE a uniform rule (on anything!).

So, let’s try to think both in context of reality, but also think as if we’re all just humans trying to do our best. OK?

Liberty or Bust!


Just Say No to war with Iran

Freedom, IN – It’s a quote misattributed to pretty much everybody, that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” The saying is more true and applicable to USA foreign policy than to anything else.

None of our foreign aggressions worked as promised, or even as we’ve been told. Yet we’ve had scarcely a year’s peace since the War to End All War.

And we’ve been getting worse, not better, at finagling foreigners into serving us and our Saudi allies. Does anyone doubt that our interventions in Libya and Syria have been disastrous?  Have we really fixed anything in Somalia, Yemen or Pakistan? When will we be done with Iraq?  Afghanistan is the USA’s longest war, ever…and we’re losing.  What’s the plan? What’s the goal?

We’re sure not fighting for freedom.  Not anybody’s freedom.  And we’re sure not making friends when we blow up their children.

A leaked May 17 memo reveals that the USA government once again intends to replay the same failed script; this time against Iran (again).

The key directive sent to Rex Tillerson is “…that the U.S. should use human rights as a club against its adversaries, like Iran, China and North Korea, while giving a pass to repressive allies like the Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.”

Let’s think like a human, and not a politician, for a moment.

What actual human beings on the planet would not hate us for our arrogant, armed and deadly games and manipulations?  Why wouldn’t we be creating more enemies than friends with such obvious duplicity?  Does anybody on this planet think they’re the ones who’re wrong, and deserve death?

Is the Golden Rule really so bad?

I’m no pacifist.  I believe in security through strength.  And I understand the theory of “Humanitarian Intervention” (though that’s been irrelevant lately, and it certainly doesn’t work in practice!).

But we’re acting like stupid teenage “swatting” and “knockout game” thugs; not at all like rational adult humans.  We’re acting as though we can use killing force against others with impunity, when in fact, we’ve been hurting ourselves as much as anybody else.

This is insanity.  We’ve got seven “whack-a-mole” wars going on now, and we’re losing our wealth, security, and of course, freedom as a very direct result.

Our armies are protecting military industrialists, bankers/ the petrodollar, and drug trade, not anything We The People should value.  Not freedom; not for anybody.

And we’ve for some time been lobbing missiles and troops and drones at people and nations who, really, are no threat to us.  What will we do when China decides to take Taiwan?  That’s been slowly brewing since 1949, and heating up fast since 2012, when the dictatorship of Xi Jinping made plain that China was already waging war against us and buying up half the world with our consumer’s money, and our governments’ cooperation.  What will we do when Russia decides to take Ukraine?  That’s been Russia’s obvious next move since our broken promises to stop expanding NATO onto Russia’s doorstep in 1994 …then accelerating since at least 2013 …and certainly since 2014, when Ukraine, spurred on by the USA, pushed for NATO membership, pushing Russia to annex Crimea and start campaigns of hacking, subversion and propaganda.
(sorry about the run-on sentence…but isn’t that how our foreign interventions have been working…run-on and on and…)

How long can we be party to the corruption that’s kept Ukraine out of NATO up to now, without some response from Putin, who we know wants the old USSR back?  Not very long, I suspect.  He must know what evil the USA has been working in Ukraine…

We’re headed toward world war, you know.  Don’t know when, but the trumpets, drums and war paint are already on stage.  Will we fight people who can fight back?  Could we afford to?

I propose we just say stop the madness, and give Peace, Prosperity, Security and Freedom a chance.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning


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