No “lesser evil” in the Duopoly

For Immediate Release

Contact: Andrew Horning
Horning for US Senate

April 25, 2024

It’s no secret why politicians “change”

Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

Despite their campaign rhetoric, every one of Indiana’s federal politicians has voted for more cronyism, spying, lying, silencing, spending, foreign entanglements, subterfuge and debt…quite the opposite of what most voters want.  Every one of these incumbents, and both crony parties, have robbed you of money, rights, autonomy and opportunity.  No exceptions.  Not one from Indiana, anyway.

So today, a common question on alternative media interviews is, “why do you think politician X spoke common sense before the election, but has now become yet another cog in the status quo corruption machine?”  I’m astonished how few ever answer correctly, when the answer has been known for generations.  It’s corruption – by either The Carrot, or The Stick.

Harry S Truman famously wrote that, “We want no Gestapo or secret police.  FBI is tending in that direction.  They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail… Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.” 

In other words, “knowledge” (particularly of the leverageable, dark sort) is power.  That’s The Stick.  Intimidation, personal attacks and smear campaigns, faked “evidence,” lawfare…and assassinations are quite the inducement to toe the line.

But even before the existence of the “military-industrial complex” and “scientific-technological elite” that Eisenhower, and even our founders, warned against, behind-the-scenes tyrants like John D Rockefeller and other Malthusian eugenicists bent on global domination, used their money to take over entertainment, healthcare and of course, education.  They created tax-exempt NGOs and INGOs to build the stage and attach strings to our present political puppet show.  Campaigns are expensive – too expensive (that’s an issue I’ll discuss later).  And that makes candidates open to The Carrot; i.e., campaign donations, insider trading, and other corruptions of money and other bribes.  Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum succeeded where the Fabians, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations did not, by assembling a corporatocracy of wealthy corporations and the ultrarich, by what he calls “Stakeholder Capitalism;” i.e., globalist corporatist mercantilism; i.e., fascism or National Socialism, as only dreamed by Mussolini and Hitler.  Their money base includes all traditional media and entertainment groups like Disney, financial powers like Blackrock, of course the whole of our military-industrial and scientific-technological elite including the CIA, FBI, Raytheon, Boeing, Google, Facebook…  The money and power is both immense, and mighty.  So, our visible, elected government, has become a protection racket for a shadow government of ruling class elites.

Fortunately, those of us who’ve been decrying this for decades are no longer a tiny number of fringe voices.  New media, and new documentation such as Whitney Webb’s exhaustively researched, two-volume, “One Nation Under Blackmail,” have detailed the connections from our government’s first employments of The Mob, to the CIA’s purchase of Civil Air Transport, and what really was the story with Jeffrey Epstein’s clients.

The simple fact, and the correct answer to the aforementioned interview question is that…while We The People slept, our politicians sold out, and we kept reelecting them anyway.  We The People have not been the ones supplying either carrots or sticks.  The unconstitutional, inherently divisive and self-appointed Two Party System has over time become only a red-herring smokescreen puppet show diversion from the real powers behind the curtain.  Enough of us now know it that we should stop reelecting this whole system of corruption.  And we can.

We still have the power to tear away the curtain and see the truth.  We still have the power to fire not only the puppeteers, but the entire consortium of kingmakers, bundlers, partisan staffers, corporate cronies, three-letter agents and globalist NGOs.  That is, in fact, the whole point of elections.  Our votes are our weapons of peaceful revolution, and it’s time we use them.  And that’s not all the power we’ve got.  Let’s talk.

Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning


‘Relighting the Torch‘ presents a historical and moral picture of our founders’ better ideas, where we failed those ideas, and some proposals for setting things right…for the first time..”

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